Brick Brick (Knights Corruption MC - Next Generation, #4) - S. Nelson Page 0,91

grumbled, even though he’d stated the obvious. Every single man in this room knew where the Reapers were located.

“So, what now?” Ford tucked his phone into his back pocket.

“We can’t wait for Griller to call because I don’t think that’s gonna happen.” Ryder ran his hand over his face, looking wearier than he did five minutes ago, and with good reason. He wanted to go and find his family, and I was on board.

No more waiting.

No more guessing.

No more assuming.

We needed to make our move. And whether Griller and Dutch and the rest of them were expecting it or not, we needed to strike now.

Instead of answering Ford’s question, Marek stared at me. “You good to go to the farm?” He held up his hand, halting my speedy response. “I don’t want you sayin’ yes just because you wanna go. I need to know that you’re a hundred percent, especially after bein’ knocked on your ass from the blast. If you’re feelin’ any type of way, I’m gonna need you to stay here and keep watch over everyone while we do this.”

When he finally snapped his mouth shut, there were only two words I needed to utter.

“I’m good.”

He nodded, then looked to Ace and Linc. “What we’re about to do is somethin’ that we’re unfortunately used to, although it’s been a while. But you guys aren’t. I need you to know that if you don’t think you’ll be able to handle this shit, puttin’ someone in the ground, most likely at close range, I’ll tell you what I just told Brick. I’m gonna need you to stay here because once you go down this road, there is no coming back. Enemies or not.”

This was one of those times when I thought there would be a longer silence, the guys contemplating seriously about what Marek told them. But there wasn’t.

Their agreement to go came swiftly, without reservation. Not an unsure shrug or a worried expression was shared between them. Nothing but absolution. Now he just had to give that same speech to the prospect and his son.

“Okay. Now we only have the issue of where to bring everyone because we’re kind of out in the open without those damn gates.” Nash was the one to remind us all of one of our biggest issues, as if we forgot.

Stone recapped our conversation for Ford and Owen about finding a place for the rest of them to lie low until we handled everything, ending with the fact we didn’t have a viable option and were running out of time to find one.

“I think we can help you with that.” Owen smirked, peeking over at his older brother. “Walt’s cabin.”

“Ah… yeah, that’ll work.”

“Who the fuck is Walt?” I asked, annoyed at not knowing, yet relieved we finally had a possible solution.

“Walter Dessoye.”

“The famous movie producer?” Ace asked, looking as confused as the rest of us.

“Yeah. And he also happens to be our father-in-law.” The corners of Ford’s mouth curved up but flattened quickly after. “Call him.”

“On it.” Owen walked into the corner of the room while Ford remained to explain further.

“He has a family cabin about forty miles from here in Modesto. It’s tucked away on ten acres, and trust me when I tell you that it’s secluded. It’s very hard to find unless you know where you’re going.”

“But is it big enough to house everyone?” My lips moved silently while I counted. “We have twelve people and that doesn’t include whoever of us is gonna stay behind with them.”

“It’s big enough. There are five bedrooms, six bathrooms, and plenty of couches. More importantly, it’s outfitted with a top-of-the-line security which includes at least ten cameras covering the house as well as the immediate perimeter. And since the place is owned by someone not tied to anyone in this club, it’s perfect.” Owen gave his brother the thumbs-up, continuing his conversation. “It’s yours if you want.”

“We don’t have another option, Prez,” Stone said, rapping his knuckles on the table. “But if we’re goin’, we better do it now. The longer we sit here, the worse shit can get.”

“I agree,” our leader seconded. “We only have so many men to spread around between three places, four if I count the cabin.” His attention bounced back to Ford. “I’m bankin’ on your option being safe for our families while we handle this.”

“It is.” Ford’s response held the highest conviction, putting my mind at ease, as well as Prez’s, enough so he rattled off his next words Copyright 2016 - 2024