Breathe You - C.R. Jane Page 0,60

and maybe…just maybe come up with a solution to solve all our problems.

Dad has always supported me in everything I put my heart and soul to. And he’s always known that Logan, Quaid, and Carter were a big part of what made me happy. If there is anyone that can find a way for us to be together, I’m sure Dad will figure something out. If nothing else, then at least he’ll have a willing, supportive warm shoulder to cry on.

I open my front door, wiping the remaining tears that still trail down my face and head to the living room.


I come over to the couch and see that his eyes are closed. He must have fallen asleep while watching TV. I turn it off and sigh. Even though I desperately need to talk to him, I guess tomorrow will have to do.

“Dad,” I whisper, giving him a little shake on the shoulder. “Dad, you fell asleep,” I say, pointing out the obvious. “Come on, old timer. Let’s get you back in your room.”

My brows crease into a deep V, witnessing how he doesn’t move an inch, even with my insistent shaking of his shoulder.

“Dad?” I say a little bit louder, shaking him with a little more force. “Wake up, Dad.”

But still, nothing.

“Dad, if this is one of your lame jokes, it isn’t funny,” I croak, shaking both of his shoulders this time. But again, there is no movement.

No breath.


An uncontrolled sob leaves my throat as I clasp both hands over my mouth. I start to shake my head profusely, not wanting to accept what I see before my very eyes.

“Wake up!” I shout, my knees slamming onto the floor beside the couch as I pound onto his chest. “Wake up!!!”

I shake him and shake him, and still, nothing. There is no gentle snore, no tender smile for me.


My tears are no longer a silent thing. They are rivers of despair and heartache, with earsplitting wails that travel all throughout our home.

“Please! Please, Dad! Don’t leave me. Please! You’re all I have!” I shout. “I need you! I can’t do this without you. Please. Come back. Please!” I cry, holding onto him, my tears dampening his shirt.

With my ear to his chest, I confirm his heart no longer beats, making mine shatter into a million small pieces.

I take my phone out of my purse and dial 911, but I know it’s already too late. There is nothing anyone can do for him now.

He’s gone.

The one man who loved me unconditionally since birth is gone.

And all I can think of is…I should have gone with him.

Chapter 11




I’m hopelessly lovesick. I’m stuck in last night, remembering Carter’s sweet and dirty insatiable appetite once we got back from the beach. It’s like he could sense how little time we have left.

The man can do quick and long, against the wall, in the shower, on the bed, and bent over the couch like no one’s business. We didn’t get much sleep, and by the time the sun searched for the horizon, my legs were weak and my insides quivered like Jell-O.

I’m tangled up in a blanket with a cup of coffee as I watch the sunrise, Carter’s head against my lap as he naps, when Logan comes out.

He’s bare-chested with drops of water sliding down his perfect abs towards a place on his body that I know gives nothing but happy endings. Despite the all-night sex-fest I’ve just engaged in, I immediately want him with the same fierce passion that I felt all night with Carter.

I’m raw right now though, and just the sight of him makes me want to cry, despite the lust I’m feeling.

“Good morning, sweetheart,” he says with a heartbreaking smile. I’m not sure how all my favorite things got packaged in these three men, but I’m certainly not complaining.

“Good morning,” I whisper, slowly moving out from under Carter and slipping a pillow under his head so he can continue sleeping.

I should be sleeping too. Heaven knows my body is barely hanging on. But after trying for one fitful hour, I gave up.

“How did last night go?” he asks, his eyebrows raising up and down. “I knew you would be able to tame the dragon.”

My cheeks blush at the inflection in his voice. That, combined with the images of all the taming I did last night, only makes me go redder.

“Are you okay?” I ask, thinking of what happened after that first night with Logan.

“I just want you to be happy. Copyright 2016 - 2024