Breathe You - C.R. Jane Page 0,50

every day after all.

After slipping on the hottest bikini I own, along with a fresh coat of makeup and a slash of bright red lipstick that happens to match said bikini, I put a little bit of product in my curls, and I’m ready to go.

Carter’s also changed into a fresh swimsuit and tank top, and he’s carrying a picnic basket.

“Turns out picnics happen to be a hot thing on the menu at this hotel,” he says, shrugging his shoulders. Grabbing my hand with the one that’s not holding the basket, we set off through the city, eventually calling a cab.

“Where are we going?” I ask, and he just winks at me.

“You’ll see in a moment.”

The driver drops us off at what seems like the middle of nowhere. Before he drives off, Carter asks him something at his window and the driver gestures over to the left, where I see a little break in the rocks.

Carter nods and then walks to me. “We need to follow this path down to the beach,” he explains as we head over to where the driver was pointing.

Sure enough, the break in the rocks is actually a thin path that leads to a beach down below that has sand in a vibrant red color.

The sun is just starting to fall below the line where the sea meets the horizon, and the sky is awash with a watercolor of pinks, purples, and oranges. We both flip off our sandals once we get to the sand, and then Carter leads me a little farther down the beach before setting down the picnic basket and pulling out a white blanket that he spreads out on the sand.

“They thought of everything, didn’t they?” I say in amazement as he pulls out two plates and silverware, chicken kabobs, lemon rice, and some flat pitas. The restaurant even included Tzatziki sauce to go with the chicken.

We both get comfortable on the blanket, not really saying anything as we dig into the delicious food. There’s no one around, so it feels like we’re in our own little world. I savor the sound of the water crashing against the beach, the wind softly caressing my face, and the fact that somehow, I got the chance to do this with the beautiful man sitting across from me.

When I’m too stuffed to eat another bite, I move my plate and lay down on the blanket, closing my eyes as I continue to savor this little moment of perfection.

How is it that in ten years, I never experienced anything close to this simple moment?

“What are you thinking about?” Carter asks. My eyes fly open, and I see that he’s watching me.

“Just wondering how a single moment in time can somehow be better than ten years’ worth of moments in time,” I admit, surprising myself with my honesty.

“I’ve been thinking about that. We’re almost thirty fucking years old, and the sum of what I want for the rest of my life can be found in this current blip in time. It sure makes you evaluate what you’ve done, doesn’t it?”

“It does,” I agree softly. I sit up and hug my knees. I hope when they look back and see my lies, they can still see the moments of truth among the lies as well.

My truth that I have never loved anything or anyone the way that I love them. My heart has died every day away from them, it’s just the cruelty of life that my body is going to die now that I’ve found them.

“Are you ready for the second part of the date?” he asks, standing up and holding out his hand for me.

Eager to escape the melancholy of the moment, I gratefully nod and take his hand. When we stand up, he lets go of me and suddenly strips off his shirt.

I look at him quizzically, and then I blush when his swim shorts quickly follow.

“What if someone sees?” I ask, glancing around with my cheeks still ablaze.

Like the other two, Carter is a god. His abdomen ripples with dips and shadows, and I want to lick each of them. A small smattering of hair frames his erection. I swallow the lump in my throat when I take a good look at it. He’s perfect everywhere.

Need rushes between my thighs, and he watches me squirm as he wickedly strokes his hard length as I take in my fill.

Carter knows what he’s working with.

“I breathe you,” he whispers to me as he slowly slides Copyright 2016 - 2024