Breaking Stars - J. Sterling Page 0,52

was, letting Paige Lockwood drive it around town.

“We’ll just leave my truck here and I’ll come get it in the morning.” I started to walk toward Mama’s little red sports car as Paige got into the driver’s seat.

Once she pulled onto my dirt road, I started fidgeting. I couldn’t wait to get Paige out of this car and into the barn. Once at the house, she turned off the ignition and we both stepped out of our seats and into the night. I hurried to her side, reaching for her hand, and pulled her toward the back of the house. “Wait, let me put your mom’s car keys in the house first.”

“No way!” I almost yelled, but then recovered. “She’ll know you’re back but you’re not home, if you catch my drift.” I wanted Paige in the barn with me, but I wasn’t sure I wanted Mama to catch on to that fact. She wasn’t stupid or naive, and come tomorrow morning, she’d be asking me a ton of questions that would make me want to rip all my hair out. What was it with females and questions?

“Tatum.” Paige pulled me to a stop and faced me. “Your mom has been pushing me toward you since I got here. I have a feeling she won’t mind.”

“She has not,” I argued halfheartedly, wondering if my mom would really do that.

“Oh yes, she has,” she said before dropping my hand and opening the front door. Paige’s cute ass disappeared into the darkness before immediately reappearing. She was back at my side, pressing her lips against my cheek before I could argue.

We walked in a hurried pace toward the back house. I never locked the door, so I pulled at the screen first and held it open for her. When she walked through the door, I smacked her ass and she screamed.

“That hurt!”

“Good,” I teased, not really meaning it, but liking the sound that came out of her mouth. It had been a long time since I’d been with a woman…in any kind of way.

As I wandered through the entryway, she tried to block me with her petite frame. She threw her arms around my neck and leaped onto me, wrapping her legs around my waist.

“I’ve been waiting forever for you to kiss me,” she said as she planted kisses on my mouth, my cheek, my neck.

“If it’s any consolation, I’ve wanted to kiss you since you hopped into my truck,” I mumbled through my lust-filled haze.

She leaned back slightly, her weight shifting in my arms. “Nope. It’s no consolation at all.”

I tore my eyes away from hers and locked onto her pretty lips. Her tongue darted across the bottom one before she pressed her mouth against mine, her tongue entering without any hesitation. I stroked her tongue with mine, pulling away a little to nip gently at her lips. She fisted my hair as I cupped her ass and her back with my hands. Most of me wanted to throw her down on my bed and bury myself in her, but the other part of me had to fight for self-control.

I pulled away from her kiss and lowered her gently to the floor. “I need a second, babe.” Her chest heaved as she struggled to even out her breathing. We were both filled with want for each other, and I found some comfort in that fact.

“What’s the matter?” she asked as I stepped away from her.

“I’m not…I’m not ready for this. Between us. I just can’t go there yet.” I’d been so attracted to her since the moment I laid eyes on her, and I’d wanted to kiss her for just as long. But my willpower was only so strong and if I didn’t take a few moments, I’d throw her on the couch and lose myself to her before I took another breath.

Her face broke out into a grin. “Well, isn’t this ironic?”

“What’s that?”

“The guy telling the girl we have to slow down. That happens…oh, about, never?” When I laughed, she reached for my face, her hands cupping my cheeks as she pulled me toward her. “We’ll go at your pace,” she said in a mocking tone before planting a quick kiss on my mouth.

“Yeah, we will. You know I’m worth the wait,” I teased back.

Paige moved toward the couch and sat down before patting the cushion next to her. “We don’t have to do anything, Tatum. We can just talk, if you want.”

“I don’t want to talk, Paige. I’ve been Copyright 2016 - 2024