Breaking Stars - J. Sterling Page 0,46

when she was ready to go.

I jacked up the BMW and removed the ruined old tire. While I was there, I figured I’d better check the brake pads, rotors, and other parts connected to the wheel. Once I decided that everything looked fine, I put on the new tire, tightening the lug nuts and making sure everything was in working order. After sliding out from the car, I lowered it to the ground and wondered for a moment if I should hide it. I had a tarp I could throw over it so no one would know it was ready.

Shaking the crazy thought from my head, I swallowed hard as my chest ached at the sight of her perfectly drivable car. A car that she could get in right now if she wanted and drive away from here—and me—forever.


I wasn’t ready for her to leave my life yet. No matter how much I fought her or myself on it, I didn’t want her to go. I’d tried to push her away, tried to keep myself from her, but it wasn’t what I wanted. Nothing about Paige being away from me was even remotely close to what I wanted.

What I did want was that perfect little mouth against mine, that bikini-clad body in the swimming hole with me, and every single thing that Paige would let me have. But how could I tell her that after the way I acted last night? When it came to this girl, I acted like a complete asshole ninety percent of the time. The other ten percent I acted like a pure idiot.

I didn’t know what to do, so in typical asshole fashion, I decided I’d head over to the bar after dropping Buster off at Mama’s. I’d drown my sorrows in some good old-fashioned moonshine.

A One-Bar Town


After last night, I knew things had changed between Tatum and me. I had convinced myself that we were making progress and that his defensive wall was lowering, but then Brina opened her big drunken mouth and made him worse than he was before, if that was even possible.

Side note: It was.

When I walked into the living room, I heard Mrs. Montgomery on the phone with someone. “Oh yes. You’ve raised a wonderful daughter. She’s such a joy. You too. I’ll go get her.” She turned to yell for me, and I smiled knowing my mom was on the phone.

I practically ran to grab the receiver. “Hey, Mom!”

“Emily seems nice. I’m so relieved,” my mom said.

“She is,” I said with a smile. “Super nice.”

“I have to admit, Paige, I feel so much better knowing that you’re in one place rather than driving across the damn country all alone. I had to talk your father off the ledge more than a few times.”

“What do you mean? Is Dad okay?”

“He is now, but he wanted to get in the car and drive until he found you. He’s been really concerned.”

I closed my eyes. “I’m sorry, Mom. Tell Dad I’m sorry too. And tell him not to worry. I promise I’m okay. Actually, I’m more than okay. I sort of love it here.”

“We’re your parents, Paige. We’ll always worry. It’s our job. But I’ll tell him, and he’ll be as relieved as I am. Talking to Emily was a huge help.”

“I’m glad,” I admitted, hating that my family was feeling stressed with my absence. My fame caused them enough issues without my adding more.

“So, how are you doing? Are things okay? What’s going on with your work and stuff?”

“Honestly…I don’t know. I haven’t answered any e-mails except for yours and Quinn’s, and I haven’t turned my phone on since I left. Has anyone tried to call you?”

“Jayson’s called here once, but I convinced him that I didn’t know where you were or how to reach you.”

“Did he believe you?”

“I doubt it. But who cares. It’s not like he can get anything out of me that I don’t want him to,” she said with a laugh.

“Thanks, Mom.”

“You’re welcome. By the way, Stacey accepted the offer from NYU. You might want to congratulate her when you have a chance.”

My stomach clenched. I was happy for my sister, of course, but there it was, that old jealous feeling rearing its ugly head again. “Is she there?” I asked, knowing that my feelings had nothing to do with my little sister and everything to do with my own personal issues.

“No, she’s at work.”

“Okay. Well, tell her I said congratulations and I’m super excited for her. Copyright 2016 - 2024