Breaking Stars - J. Sterling Page 0,42

I didn’t hide my surprise. “What were you going to say then?”

“I was just going to say that I have a hard time opening up to people.”

It was a small admission, but I felt like I’d just gotten to break ground on a new development project. Tatum had just smashed the first cinder block, and I planned on knocking down all the rest. One at a time, if that was how he needed it to be.

Leaning a little closer, I said, “I know we don’t really know each other, but I’d like to get to know you better. I mean, I’m going to be here for at least a week, right? Can’t we be friends?” I deliberately used the F word, hoping to put him at ease. Privately I hoped that his concept of friendship included hot-and-heavy make-out sessions in his converted barn. Knowing how proud Quinn would be of me and my dirty thoughts, I stifled a laugh.

“And here I was, thinking we already were, Princess.” Tatum winked at me and I suddenly wanted to sock him in the eye. And then kiss it to make it all better. Seriously, what the heck was going on with my hormones?

“You have to stop with the princess stuff,” I huffed. “I don’t hate much, but I think I hate that.” I ran my fingers through my long hair and tucked it behind my ears before taking a sip of the tea.

“Prove to me you’re not one then, and I’ll stop.” He took another gulp from his cup.

“You’re so irritating,” I snarled, even though I wasn’t really mad.

“But you like it,” he said before leaning into me, his shoulder pressed against mine. I did like it, but I refused to admit it.

“Can I ask you something?”

“Go for it,” he said as he poked me playfully in the rib with his finger, and I squirmed.

“That day when you picked me up. You said you knew who I was, right?” I wasn’t sure why I was bringing this up now, or why it even mattered. I think I simply wanted to continue chipping away at his armor and let him know that he could trust me. Which I was aware, was ridiculously ironic.

“Hell yeah, I knew. I told you that.”

“Then why were you so mean? I tried to shake your hand and you wouldn’t even touch me.” I thought back to when I first hopped into his truck.

Tatum laughed as he took a sip of his beer. “Paige,” he said solemnly as he turned his face to look at me. “You had just bent over and I couldn’t stop staring at your ass. I got—” He paused, apparently trying to choose his words carefully. “—excited. I figured touching you anywhere else would only fuel my situation.”

“Oh,” was all I could muster up for a response. I hadn’t expected that answer. I liked that I turned him on, but wasn’t sure what to do with that information. Maybe I should bend over every time he was in range of my ass so I could render him stupid and speechless? I almost laughed at the crazy thoughts swirling in my head.

“Sorry. You asked and I didn’t want to lie.” He smiled before turning his attention to the emerging stars.

“No. I appreciate your honesty.” I followed his lead and stared up at the darkening sky.

Watching the blue fade away, I was mesmerized by the streaking oranges and pinks in the distance that eventually lost their battle to the night. The sky was one of the darkest I’d ever seen, and the multitude of stars was amazing, almost hypnotic in their glow.

“I don’t hate your movies, by the way.” His voice broke through my silent star-gazing and I smiled without moving a muscle.

“Thought you didn’t watch chick flicks,” I teased, already knowing differently.

“I don’t. But Brina used to make me watch them with her all the time.”

“I’m sorry. I’m sure that must have been painful for you,” I said mockingly.

He sucked in a quick breath. “Look. Your movies were the only ones I never bitched about having to watch. I don’t know why, but you’re one of the few Hollywood actresses whose heads I don’t want to rip off,” he said, and I was slightly taken aback.

“Care to share who else’s head you like attached to their body?” I asked, wondering what other actresses he liked besides me.

“No. I don’t. But I will tell you this, and probably only because I’ve been drinking. Brina used to tease me Copyright 2016 - 2024