Breaking Stars - J. Sterling Page 0,36

walked side by side the rest of the way to Mama’s house as my insides tore in two. One half wanted to stop overthinking everything in my life and enjoy whatever time I had with Paige doing whatever she’d allow me to do with her, while the other half refused to let down its guard. I didn’t handle being hurt well; I’d learned that from experience. But weren’t some people worth the risk?

I wasn’t so sure.

As we neared the house, I was no closer to an answer.

Partying in the South


With all the excitement of Tatum crashing my swimming-hole party and making me leave, I’d completely forgotten about my car. I didn’t even think to ask him about when the tire would be in. And the honest-to-God truth was that at the moment, I didn’t care at all. I’d stay here all summer if I could. And I think I’d like it. I liked the way he acted like he was protecting me. With Tatum, it didn’t seem self-serving; he seemed to genuinely want to keep me safe. Part of me didn’t know how to reconcile that in my head. I could count on one hand how many people truly cared about me.

After changing out of my bikini, I walked into the kitchen to hear Tatum and his mom talking about me.

“Tatum. Take her to the field. It will be fun for her,” his mom insisted, and Tatum grunted.

“You grunt a lot,” I said, announcing my presence.

“What?” He glanced at me from the corner of his eye.

“That sound. You do it a lot when you’re irritated. Or maybe you just do it a lot around me because I irritate you.”

He looked away. “You don’t irritate me.”

“Coulda fooled me.”

His head finally turned in my direction and his blue eyes pierced right through me. “I already told you I’m not good at making small talk.”

“Tatum, stop snapping at her and apologize this instant!” his mom yelled before smacking him on the back of the head.


“I did not raise you to be so impolite to a guest, or to a woman for that matter,” she said, and stomped a foot on the floor for emphasis.

“You’re right, Mama.”

Seeing his relationship with his mom only made him hotter in my eyes. Who didn’t swoon over a man who respected his mom?

“It’s okay, Mrs. Montgomery, clearly he can’t help himself. I’m sure you did the best you could.” I felt awful for Tatum’s mom getting caught in our crossfire, but I headed into my room and closed the door before I could take it all back.

The screen door slammed shut, followed by a light knock on my bedroom door. A woman’s voice called out, “Paige, can I come in?”

“Of course,” I said from my bed. When Mrs. Montgomery walked in, I apologized immediately. “I didn’t mean to say that to you. I was just trying to get to him.”

She smiled warmly. “I know, but I still wanted to apologize for my son.”

I waved her off. “Don’t. I’m getting used to it.”

“You absolutely are not. And you shouldn’t have to.” Her Southern accent grew more pronounced the more upset she got. “No gentleman treats a lady that way. Not in my home,” she said hotly.

“I don’t think he means it. And I don’t think he can help it when it comes to me,” I admitted to her.

“You might be right.” She laid a warm hand on top of mine and squeezed it gently.

Longing to change the subject, I asked, “So, what do girls wear to these field parties anyway?”

Her face lit up. “Ooh! The girls either wear shorts or dresses. It’s so warm in the evenings that you can wear what you wore that day. But they usually cute it up some.”

I smiled back. “I think I have some things that will work.”

“What size shoe do you wear?”

I looked down at my feet, as if they would give me the answer. “Seven.”

“I think I might have a pair of boots that will fit you if you want to wear them.”

“Cowboy boots?” My mood perked up.


“That would be amazing. Thank you.”

When I beamed at her, she hopped off the bed. “Be right back.”

A moment later I heard the sound of boxes falling and crashing. Before I could shout to ask if she needed my help, she was back in my room holding the most beautiful pair of brown leather boots I’d ever seen. Granted, I’d never really looked at boots before, but these were amazing.

“These have never been worn,” Copyright 2016 - 2024