Breaking Stars - J. Sterling Page 0,33

to apply sunscreen to their legs and stomachs. “So, what are you doing all the way out in Hanford, Paige?” Brina asked.

I supposed there was no harm in answering that question. Tatum and his mom had asked the same thing. My deeper personal reasons were no one’s business but mine, so I answered vaguely, “I just needed to get out of LA for a little while. And my car got a flat, so here I am.”

“Oh yeah, we read all about what Colin did to you,” Celeste said angrily.

“I think everyone did,” I admitted, embarrassed.

“What a jerk. Who does that and thinks they aren’t going to get caught?” she added.

I shrugged. “I don’t know.”

“Well, he’s a real jerk, Paige. You’re better off without him.”

“Thanks, Celeste.”

“But he’s so hot. I bet he’s an awesome kisser,” Brina added before slapping her hand over her mouth. “I’m sorry. It just slipped out.”

“She’s always speaking before she thinks,” Celeste said, then smacked her friend on the arm.

“It’s okay. He is really good-looking. But that only goes so far when everything else about you sucks.” I instantly wished I could inhale the words back into my mouth as my mind flashed to a tabloid headline that read “Paige Lockwood Says Everything About Colin McGuire Sucks!” I needed to be more careful.

“Did he ever write any songs about you?” Brina asked, and I actually laughed.

“No. Colin doesn’t write his own music.”

“Seriously?” both girls asked in unison.

“Seriously. Not a single lyric,” I admitted, and felt good how that fact seemed like a slam against Colin. One more thing he didn’t do well, or at all.

Celeste’s eyes grew wide. “Wow. I’m shocked.”

“Don’t be. A lot of singers don’t write their own stuff. I think it’s more rare when they actually do.”

“So, how long do you think you’ll stay in town?” Brina asked.

“I’m not sure, actually.” My thoughts instantly drifted to Tatum’s body last night when he opened his door, shirtless and wet. Everything in me suddenly buzzed with energy and I longed to be near him, even if it wasn’t what he wanted. I enjoyed the way my body reacted to his.

“Well, you should definitely come to the field party tonight,” Celeste said.

“Oh yeah? What is it?” My interest was ignited. I’d never heard of a field party, but I assumed it was pretty much what the name implied.

“It’s a giant party,” Celeste answered.

“Oh my gosh, yes. Paige, you have to come. You’ll love it,” Brina added.

“What’s it like?”

Brina sat up, her face filled with excitement. “Everyone drives their big ol’ trucks out to the middle of the field. There’s always lots of beer and dancing—”

Then Celeste chimed in, “The guys usually do keg stands and act stupid. Someone always gets in a fight—”

Brina cut her off. “But it’s entertaining and just some good old-fashioned fun out in the open with no one else around. I guarantee you’ve never seen anything like it in LA, sweetie.”

She might have called me sweetie, but I knew there was a thinly veiled insult behind it. Before I could think up a response, Buster bounded over toward me with a stuffed toy in his mouth. “Buster, what are you doing here?” I looked around as I patted his head, knowing he had been at the shop with Tatum.

Buster moved over to the girls and Brina shrieked, “Ugh, get away from me, Buster,” as she shoved at the oversized dog.

“Buster, come here,” I said, and he jogged toward me.

The leaves rustled and Tatum appeared in view. The smirk that appeared on his face as he eyed my bathing suit was quickly replaced with a sour look when he noticed the girls next to me. Buster sat at my feet as I continued to scratch him.

Brina jumped up, her body barely covered in the tiny black bikini she wore as she moved toward him. “Hey, Tatum,” she crooned, pressing her chest against his and running her hand down his well-defined arm. His eyes looked past hers and locked onto mine.

I swallowed hard and tried to force myself to look away, but couldn’t. My eyes refused to leave Tatum’s, and I stopped the smile from forming on my lips as I watched him step away from her and remove her arm. “You girls aren’t giving Paige a hard time, are you?” His voice was stern.

Celeste glanced at me before looking back at Tatum with a smile. “No, sir. We were just telling her about the party tonight and insisted she come along.”

Tatum dropped his chin Copyright 2016 - 2024