Breaking Stars - J. Sterling Page 0,30

my neck bristled.

“No. I’ll do it. I don’t want anyone giving her a hard time. With this hot weather, if she’s alone, I doubt she will be for long.”

“I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking. Did you hear about her tire?”

“It won’t be here for a week,” I said, the lie slipping easily from my mouth.

“Oh dear. She’ll have to stay for a whole week then, huh? I hope she’ll be okay with that,” Mama said sweetly, but her tone told me she was up to something.

“I’ll tell her when I see her. I gotta finish up some paperwork and make some phone calls before I head out. Talk to you later, Ma.”

I hung up before she said anything, knowing I’d get an earful for that move later. Mama hated being hung up on and scolded me any chance she could about my Southern manners. I should have called her back to apologize, but right now I was too flustered to think about anything other than Paige. Anyone could be at the swimming hole, and she had no idea she might have some unwanted company.

I knew she wasn’t some vulnerable and weak little girl, but something in me wanted to protect her. Maybe it was seeing her broken down on the side of the road, totally clueless about where to go or what to do. Or maybe it was knowing what her dickhead ex-boyfriend had done to her publicly that made me want to wrap her in my arms and lock her away. Hell, I didn’t know what it was about Paige Lockwood, but I felt like I’d go to battle for her.

Scrolling through the rest of my e-mails, I answered the ones I could and made phone calls with updates to the rest. I finished up my paperwork, checked in on outstanding orders, and called it a day. Before I left, I put up the sign letting people know I was away from the office for the rest of the day. That usually meant I was either at home, or driving out of town to pick up a part or an order. It wasn’t unusual for me to be gone for hours at a time on weekdays.

Everyone knew how to get a hold of me, and if anyone needed anything, I’d be right there. I handled a lot of farm machines and trucks, ordering new parts for the worn-out old ones and putting them in. The cars in this town seemed to last forever, but the machines tended to break more than they used to. Of course there were the typical new tires, oil changes, and the like, but most of the men here handled that stuff on their own. They would order the oil and tire from me, but as far as the labor went, they managed it themselves. It was when the big things happened, like engines and transmissions blowing, that I needed to get involved and get my hands dirty.

But the girls in town preferred to have every little thing done in my shop. Hell, they’d have me adjust their rearview mirror for them if I’d do it. I wasn’t stupid enough to pretend I didn’t know why; it just irritated me more than anything. I’d grown up with everyone here and had known them my whole life. That was the thing about a small town like this—it was hard to have feelings more than friendship for most of the people who lived in it.

After Brina dumped me, I’d never thought about girls much. Never gave any consideration to getting married, or having another girlfriend. I simply didn’t care anymore. Girls weren’t worth the heartache.

And I’d be lying if I said I didn’t find it hard to trust again. Brina took every ounce of trust and belief I’d had in our relationship and discarded it like a piece of unwanted garbage. Talk about feeling worthless. It took me months to realize she was the problem, not me. But to say that I wasn’t scarred would be another lie.

That relationship practically destroyed my sense of self-worth. I never wanted to feel like that again, so I didn’t allow it. I kept myself closed off from everyone and I refused to open up. It was just easier that way. Keeping everything locked up inside was effortless when you didn’t have anyone you wanted to share it all with.

Swimming Hole


I followed Mrs. Montgomery’s directions and walked down the dirt pathway carved through her property. Plush green grass grew tall on each Copyright 2016 - 2024