Breaking Stars - J. Sterling Page 0,24

my life as if I weren’t the one living it. I knew for a fact that I didn’t want to see what was currently being said about me.

She popped her head around the corner, curiosity alight on her face. “Not using your cell phone?”

“I don’t want to be tracked, and I can’t trust that my agent wouldn’t do exactly that. I’d really hate for them to show up when I just got here.”

Mrs. Montgomery shook her head. “Your life is so crazy, I can’t even imagine. The computer’s in the back house with Tatum. Go on and head back there.”

I leaned back in surprise. “Tatum lives back there?”

“Oh dear, I thought you knew.”

“Maybe I’ll just use it tomorrow after he leaves for work.” The idea of seeing Tatum again after I’d just upset him didn’t appeal to me. “I’m sure I’m the last person he wants to see right now,” I mumbled, knowing that I couldn’t bear to face him again after he’d just told me to go away.

His mom shook her head. “Don’t be silly. Go on back there. I’m sorry about his behavior earlier. Losing his daddy hit him real hard.” She tried to smile, but it didn’t reach her eyes. “It hit us both hard.”

“I’m really sorry for bringing that up. I feel so bad.”

“You have nothing to be sorry for. You didn’t know.”

Still not sure this was the best idea, I pushed myself off the bed and made my way to the converted barn behind the main house. Knocking on the front door, I waited nervously for Tatum to open it. When he did, he stood silently in the doorway, shirtless, his hair wet, and I had to force my jaw to stay closed. Good Lord, this man’s body could cause drool fests worldwide. Tatum Montgomery was a fine specimen of a man, and despite his unfriendliness and gruff personality, he made me all hot and bothered.

When I realized that I was staring instead of speaking, I looked up at his eyes, feeling the heat in my cheeks rise. “Your mom said I could use the computer, but I can come back tomorrow when you’re gone if you don’t want me around.” I had turned to walk away when a strong hand gripped my wrist and pulled me inside.

“Come in,” Tatum said, his voice sounding defeated.

I glanced down at where his hand held mine before tugging out of his grip. Part of me didn’t want to break the contact, my skin tingling at his touch. I figured I’d probably let him lead me around town like that all day if he wanted to. Apparently I turned stupid when it came to good-looking men. Colin had already proved that. I sighed to myself and walked through the door he held open.

Once inside, I glanced around, amazed at how a barn could be converted into a guest house. It was adorable, with two bedrooms you could see from the living room, a bathroom, and a full-sized kitchen area. It was perfect.

“You live here?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

He nodded and led me toward a large desk near a window. “The password and stuff is here,” he said, pointing at the sticky note stuck to the top of the monitor. “If you need anything, just holler.”

“Thank you,” I said before clicking the power button on and logging in. I wanted to e-mail my family and Quinn, but I didn’t want to see all the e-mails directed toward me. I hadn’t checked my voice mail or anything since I left that day; I’d gone on complete radio silence. And as much as I loved the idea of being cut off from everyone, I knew that eventually I’d have to pick up all the pieces I’d left scattered behind. I briefly wondered if this would be worth all the trouble in the end.

Logging in to my e-mail account, I noted two hundred fifty-three e-mails. Glancing quickly at the names of the senders, I realized that most were from my agent and Colin. Colin’s e-mails were relentless at first, but had tapered off as the days passed. I assumed it was because I never responded to a single text message, phone call, or e-mail from him, aside from the one time when Quinn answered the phone for me. I looked at the date and noticed there hadn’t been an e-mail from him in two full days. I expected my heart to ache with that fact, but instead it beat with relief.


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