Breaking Stars - J. Sterling Page 0,105

the right channel and felt the color drain my face immediately.

“Oh good Lord, is that him?” my mom asked as I all but fell back onto the couch.

Tatum looked stupid hot in his charcoal-gray suit as he sat across from Wendy Wong, a well-known entertainment reporter with golden skin and long dark hair.

“What is he doing?” I breathed out to no one in particular, knowing how uncomfortable he had to be.

I clicked the volume button up on the remote until I could hear him loud and clear, the drawl in his voice pinching my heart. I recognized the candles adorning the wall behind him, along with the other artwork that barely showed in the television frame. He was at Quinn’s house. Reaching for one of the couch pillows, I pulled it to my stomach and squeezed it against me.

Wendy: Would you care to clear up the rumors about you and Paige cheating long before Colin ever did?

Tatum: I didn’t even meet Paige until after she and Colin had broken up. He cheated on her, and not the other way around. Paige isn’t the type of person to do that, and I think you all know that. Colin, on the other hand, every time I see him, he gives me a new reason to dislike him.

Wendy: Is that why you hit him?

What? Tatum hit Colin? When had they even seen each other?

My mom turned to look at me, her mind clearly filled with the same questions as mine.

Tatum: I hit him because he said something horrible about Paige. He said things a guy should never say about a girl.

Wendy: So you admit to assaulting him, which is what Colin is claiming.

Tatum: No, I admit to punching him. Once. In the jaw.

Wendy: Would you do it again?

Tatum: If he talked like that about Paige, then yes, I would. I don’t understand why y’all always take his side.

Wendy: We don’t take Colin’s side.

Tatum: It sure seems that way.

Wendy: Well, I’m sorry we’ve given you that impression. Colin tends to speak out a lot.

Tatum: That’s because he’s a liar and he’s conniving. He gets pleasure out of throwing innocent people under the bus to save his own skin, and the only way he can do that is if he’s constantly in your face. Colin is the type of guy who only cares about himself, and he doesn’t care who he hurts in the process.

Wendy: Are you referring to Paige or yourself?

Tatum: (Laughs) Colin doesn’t hurt me. But I don’t like him hurting Paige or anyone else with the stories he tells. Especially when he gets caught doing something wrong. He can’t own up to it. Instead, he makes up a story and hides behind it.

Wendy: One of the girls from that original video spoke out earlier today and basically echoed your exact sentiments. But you know what? Let’s move on. How did you meet Paige?

Tatum: She got a flat tire when she was driving through my town. I run the only mechanic shop there, so it was on me to help her.

Wendy: And this was where?

Tatum fidgeted in his seat, the discomfort in his eyes growing, and I wondered what on earth he’d gotten himself into. For me.

Tatum: In Louisiana.

Wendy: And now you’re here in Los Angeles. Why exactly?

Tatum: Well, ma’am, I wanted to set the record straight because how y’all do things out here isn’t how we do them back home. And when a man loves a woman, he defends her honor. He stands up for what’s right, and that’s what I wanted to do here today.

Wendy: So you and Paige are in love?

Tatum: I’m in love with her. I’m not sure how she feels about me at this point.

Wendy: And why do you say that?

Tatum: Because I messed up, Wendy. I’m a man, and I make mistakes. I didn’t handle things well, and that’s why I’m here with you today. I want her to know how sorry I am.

My heart skipped a beat at his very public declaration. Of course, he’d made that very statement to me a few hours ago in the lobby of my apartment building, but this was on national television for the whole country to see and hear. Including everyone back in his hometown.

Wendy: What did you do, exactly? There weren’t other women, were there?

Tatum: No, absolutely not. It’s nothing like that. Let’s just say that when things got difficult, I pushed her away.

Wendy: I’m sure it can’t be easy for someone like you to date a world-famous Copyright 2016 - 2024