Breaking Rules (Delta Force Strong #2) - Elle James Page 0,36

to dismantle the equipment and load it up for their move to the next location in the morning.

One by one, Sunny greeted the men and women who’d helped in the erection of the stage and setting up equipment, thanking them by name.

“And this is Desmond Housman, the contractor who jumped in and helped us tremendously in meeting our deadline,” Lloyd said. “Without him and his people, we might not have started the show on time.”

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Housman,” Sunny said, holding out her hand to the man.

The contractor was a tall, imposing figure with gray hair and gray eyes. His lips barely moved into a smile as he took her hand. “The pleasure is mine. We’re just glad we could help.”

“They only arrived at the base a few hours earlier than you,” Lloyd said. “I feel it was fate that brought them here today.”

“Thank you for helping our crew.”

“It was for a good cause,” Housman said. “Your music is loved worldwide. Even the Afghans have heard of you.”

“That’s good to know,” Sunny said. “Again, thank you for helping out.” When she tried to pull her hand away, the contractor held on.

“I heard you had trouble on the way out here. I hope you weren’t hurt.” His gaze swept over her.

Dash’s eyes narrowed. “She wasn’t. Now, if you’ll excuse us, Miss Daye has had a trying last twenty-four hours. She needs to rest before they leave in the morning.”

“Of course.” Still he held onto her hand a moment longer.

Dash was tense enough. He didn’t need to deal with an overzealous fan. But if the contractor didn’t release Sunny’s hand in the next three seconds, he was going to put his fist into the man’s face.


Desmond Housman let go of Sunny’s hand. “Thank you for your music, Miss Daye. I hope to see you again, soon.”

She nodded.

With a hand at her back, Dash led her away from the crew that was already digging into the task of dismantling the stage and packing the sound equipment and instruments.

Several people stopped them on their way back to the motorhome, congratulating Sunny on another great concert. She smiled and thanked every one of them.

By the time they reached the motorhome, Dash could feel Sunny slowing down. “Are you all right?” he asked as he unlocked and opened the door for her.

“I am. I get this way after every concert. While on stage for a couple of hours, with my game face on, I’m upbeat, outgoing and totally engaged with the audience.” She laughed softly. “I think it sucks all the life out of me for the next twenty hours.”

“I’ll make you a cup of tea while you shower. Then you can crash and sleep until it’s time to do it all again. I’ll even move you to the front of the motorhome before they roll off the base tomorrow morning.”

She cupped his cheek with her hand. “You’re my security, not my maid. I can make a cup of tea for myself.”

“You’re tired. I’m wound up. Making tea will help me to relax. Now, go. Get your shower and get out of that itchy dress which, by the way, looked amazing on you.” He kissed the tip of her nose. Then his lips found hers in a gentle kiss. He wanted more, but he didn’t want to draw on more of her energy reserves. And he certainly wasn’t going to bring up her teasing promise of more later. Not when she was so tired she could barely stand on her own two feet.

Sunny entered the motorcoach and headed down the hall to the bathroom.

Dash closed and locked the door, throwing the bolt to keep any of the crew who might have a spare key from entering without permission. He didn’t want anyone to disturb Sunny’s rest.

Unless she wanted to be disturbed. In which case, he would gladly volunteer to be the disturber.

Wishful thinking on his part, entirely.

Chapter 9

Tired to the bone, Sunny stood in the bathroom, staring at her face in the mirror. The makeup hid the dark circles beneath her eyes, but it didn’t hide the fact she was exhausted by more than just a stressful last twenty-four hours.

She was ready to take a break from touring. Since she was thirteen, she’d been working non-stop until the death of her partner. At the ripe old age of twenty-seven, most of her peers were on their first marriage with maybe two children.

Sunny had always wanted children and had hoped she and Ray would one Copyright 2016 - 2024