Breaking Rules (Delta Force Strong #2) - Elle James Page 0,22

with them. He fired two rounds, one of which hit the man, sending him tumbling over the side of the road and down into a gully.

Four more men on motorcycles raced toward them.

Chapter 6

Sunny held on tightly to the steering wheel of the motorcoach. It was larger than anything she’d ever driven and harder to turn.

The trucks and vans in front of her continued to move forward, picking up speed.

The goats scattered to each side of the road.

One of the motorcyclists ran into one, flipped his cycle and flew through the air.

Good, Sunny thought. She hoped he was incapacitated from his fall. That was one less man for them to deal with.

But there were so many more.

At the rate they were moving in on them, Dash wouldn’t be able to keep up.

He dropped back into his seat, reloaded his rifle with a fresh magazine and glanced in his side mirror.

Her back aching from leaning over Marcus to steer the coach, Sunny couldn’t give up. She glanced in the side mirror and almost cried with relief.

Like avenging angels, Dash’s team converged on their motorhome from the rear. Dawg, on the gun turret, let loose a round from his machine gun. Taking out two more of the men on bikes.

Directing her focus forward, Sunny smiled. In front of them, Rucker’s transport with Lance manning his machine gun, raced toward them, firing at the attackers with deadly bursts of bullets.

Through all the gunfire, the caravan continued forward, pushing through the hills until they emerged onto a flat, clear area close to a small village.

The remaining men on motorcycles peeled away from the caravan and disappeared back into the hills.

“Roger,” Dash said. He turned to her. “We’re going to stop and assess the damage.”

“Thank God,” Sunny said. “Marcus needs his wound looked at, and so do you.”

“I’m fine,” Dash said.

Marcus eased up on the accelerator, and the coach slowed until it came to a stop behind the van in front of them.

Sunny let go of the steering wheel, pressed a hand to the small of her back and straightened. She’d never been so glad to stop on a road trip.

Dash brushed her hand to the side and rubbed the small of her back where it ached from standing in an awkward position, steering the motorhome.

He leaned close to her ear, his chest touching her back, making her warm. “Sunny, I need you to stay inside the vehicle.”

“But we need to get Marcus out of his seat and down on the ground to have a medic look at him,” she said.

“I can get out on my own,” Marcus said. “My legs are fine, it’s my arm that’s injured.”

“Yeah, and you’ve lost a significant amount of blood,” she said.

“I’ll be fine,” he insisted.

“We’ll help him down,” Dash promised. “I can’t have you standing around outside. Someone might see that as an opportunity to swoop in and steal you away.”

She shivered. “I don’t want that to happen.”

“Then close and lock the doors behind us, and stay put.”

She nodded. “I will.”

Dash left the motorhome through the passenger door, walking around the front of the vehicle to the driver’s side.

Sunny reached across and pressed the lock on the passenger door.

Dash opened the driver’s door and held out his hand to Marcus.

“I can do this on my own,” Marcus insisted.

“Humor me,” Dash said. “Take my hand and lean on me if you need to.”

Marcus held onto the doorframe, placed his hand in Dash’s and let the soldier guide him to the ground.

Sunny winced when Marcus winced, only imagining the pain the bodyguard was feeling.

When Marcus’s feet hit the ground, his knees buckled. He would have fallen if Dash hadn’t been there to hold him up.

Easing him out of the way, Dash closed the driver’s door and nodded to Sunny. “Lock it.”

She did and stared through the window, feeling useless and the root of their problems. If she was the one they really wanted, everyone in the caravan was at risk because of her. Marcus had just taken a bullet because of her.

She glanced toward Dash’s leg and noticed a long, dark stain on his trousers. He’d been hit worse than he’d let on and was still bleeding.

Sunny unlocked the door, pushed it open and stepped one foot out on the stairs. “Dash, you’re bleeding.”

“I know I am. It’s not much, just a flesh wound.” His brow furrowed. “I’d feel a whole lot better if you got back into the vehicle and locked the door. I have my hands full here. Copyright 2016 - 2024