Breaking Bro Code (The Line Up #4) - Misti Murphy Page 0,57

not by going on a date. And she deserves to be wooed. “Let me organize it.”

“Okay.” She snuggles into me.

“Now let’s get some sleep.” I rest my lips against her forehead. Damn. It feels right. Holding her naked body. Falling asleep with her. Planning how we’re going to spend our first date.

It’s been a long time since I’ve felt the nerves of anticipation like this.


Cap’N Crunch: What counts as a first date these days? Dinner? Flowers? The movies?

Violet Queen: Wait? You have a date?? With the unattainable?

Cap’N Crunch: Fuck, I’m going to screw this up.

“You’re still here, lover boy.” Kiki strolls up beside me, empty cup in hand, while I wait for coffee to finish dripping into two mugs.

“Vale,” I offer. “I think we’ve met a few times.”

“Oh, I know who you are.” She hands me her cup with a wink and cinches her tiger print robe tighter at the waist. She’s paired it with fluffy slippers and a silk bonnet.

“Right.” She probably knows more about me than I know about myself. Girls talk, don’t they? That’s their thing.

She grabs an apple from the large metal bowl full of fruit on the counter, bites into the crisp flesh and chews as she studies me. “So you stayed the night?”

“Yeah.” My phone wolf whistles and I pull it out of my pocket and slide the notification volume to mute. Damn, why haven’t I changed that yet? My only excuse is that I’ve been a tad preoccupied with Lily.

Violet Queen: I have faith in you.

Violet Queen: P.S. What does she like? Start there.

When I glance up again, Kiki is staring at me, one arm crossed over her body, the apple held in the air, an odd expression on her face.

I tuck my phone back into my pocket. “Are you all right?”

“Mmhmm.” She nods. Swallows what’s in her mouth. “Yes. Of course.”

“Are you sure?”


“If you’re worried about Lily…” I scoop up fresh coffee. Set the machine to fill her cup.

“It’s not my business,” she says. “But if it was, I would tell you that my girl really likes you and not to be a dick.”

“Understood.” I collect milk and sugar and place them with the coffee on a tray I found in one of the cupboards. Snagging a banana from the fruit bowl, I add that too. “Sorry to cut this short, but…”

“Yes. Go.” She takes another bite of her apple. “Don’t keep her waiting.”

More like I left her sleeping and want to get back to her before she wakes up and thinks I’ve ditched and dashed. I scoop up the tray. “Thanks.”

“Is that coffee I smell?” Lily wanders into the kitchen, and I stop in my tracks. She’s wearing my Tom Cruise button down and her Hungry Caterpillar shorts are barely visible underneath. Her violet tresses hang in wild abandon around her face as she leans against my side and presses a kiss to my jaw.

I haven’t seen Lily Kelly in the morning since… I don’t know… possibly when she was still in high school. Back then I wouldn’t have thought anything of it. Now, my erection is instant and probably obvious. One thing is for sure. I want to see a whole lot more of this just out of bed sexed-up vixen.

She trails her fingers along the wide open collar of the shirt as she peers at the contents of the tray. “That for me?”

“It’s for the Pope.” I clear my throat.

“Oh. Of course.” The corners of her eyes and mouth crinkle as she starts to step around me. “Should I just make my own then?”

“Why don’t you go back to bed.” I clasp her waist to keep her with me. “And let me do something nice for you.”

“Breakfast in bed?” She blinks those wide, delicate greens.

“More like a prelude,” I say. I still have to Yelp the best deli for her ideal breakfast sandwich. “Now be a good girl and run along.”

“Kinky.” Kiki smirks when we both glance at her. “You two are going to be delightful together, my beautiful darlings.”

Lily’s cheeks warm. “It’s not like that. We don’t have a kink.”

Kiki’s phone rings. She pulls it out of the pocket of her knee length robe and checks the screen. “It’s Lewis. Are we telling him about this development now, or surprising him when he gets in tonight?”

“Surprising him.” Lily sighs.

My guess is she’s not thrilled about it because Lewis doesn’t think too kindly of me. Can’t say that I’m shocked. Or bothered by it. He’s a good guy, but Copyright 2016 - 2024