Breaking Away (Delta Force Strong #3) - Elle James Page 0,9

more mature than he had when they were younger. An intense ache settled across her chest. “Yes, I have met someone.” She took a deep breath past the weight sitting on her lungs and changed the subject. “Do you think I can meet with Faaid, now?” She set her cup on the table, pushed back from the table and stood.

The thought of Mac with another women made her incredibly sad. The sooner she got her interview and left, the better.

“We can go and see if the intelligence guys are done with him.” Mac rose from the table and stacked her tray on top of his. Once he returned the trays to the kitchen, he led her to the quarters he’d secured for her. By then, the team was back from the nearby town with Kylie’s backpack.

Rucker handed her the backpack, and Kylie clutched it to her chest. “Thank you so much,” she said, glad to have everything she’d brought with her to Afghanistan. “Did you have any troubles getting to it?”

Dash laughed. “Not really, because we’re sneaky bastards. We saw a truckload of vicious-looking characters arrive at the front of the hotel. We went around the back, entered through the back door, and went straight up to your room.”

“We guessed they’d have to ask which room you were in and that it would take time,” Rucker said with a grin.

“We were in and out before the elevator made it up to your floor,” Tank said. “We took the stairs down.”

“How did you know they were Taliban or that they were coming to find me?” Kylie asked.

Dash puffed out his chest. “I stuck around in the stairwell long enough to see them break into your room. I left as soon as they did.”

Kylie’s eyes widened. “Wow. Thank you very much for getting my backpack.”

Mac frowned. “All the more reason for you to stay on base tonight and to get the hell out of Afghanistan as soon as possible.”

She sighed. “Fine. After I get my interview with Faaid.”

“We’ll arrange for that as soon as we get him out of Intel,” Rucker said.

Dash tipped his head toward her quarters. “This is where you’re staying?”

Kylie nodded. “Yes, it is. Why?”

Dash’s lips split into a wide grin, and he jabbed Mac in the ribs with his elbow. “Lucky dog.”

Mac frowned. “I had to put her in the room next to me because I have to keep an eye on her.”

Dash nodded. “Uh-huh. You could’ve put her next to any one of us, and we’d have gladly kept an eye on her.”

“Knock it off,” Mac said. “I’m the one the CO put in charge of keeping our guest safe.”

If it had been any other man, Kylie would have accused Mac of being possessive, maybe even a little jealous. But surely by now, Mac was well over her. It had been years, and he’d just admitted he’d found another woman. Of course, she’d just admitted she’d found another man, too. None of the men she’d seen since Mac could compare to him. She’d never felt the same for them as she had for Mac. Yeah, she’d dated, but she’d always known they were only temporary. “Josh, where are you going to be?”

“Rucker set me up in a box around the corner from you. You want to work on that video I recorded during the mission?”

“The sooner we get it out the better,” she said.

He nodded.

She turned to Rucker. “How soon do you think it will be before I can see Faaid?”

“I’ll check with the CO and see when we can get in to see him.”

“In the meantime, I’ll be here in my quarters, with Josh, working on what we have already.”

For the next hour, Kylie and Josh edited the video. When they were happy with what they had, they agreed to take a break. It was late in the night, and Kylie was tired but still pumped up on adrenaline.

A knock sounded on the door. She opened it to find Mac standing there. “You can see Faaid now.”

Her heart fluttered. “Josh, grab your camera, we’re on.”

Josh collected his gear and followed Kylie and Mac across the base to a building. Inside, Faaid sat with the commander.

“I got word from my chain of command that you’re allowed to interview Faaid,” the commander said. He stepped aside and waved toward the informant. “I’d like to sit in on the conversation, if possible.”

“That will be fine,” she said.

“Rucker’s bringing the interpreter,” Mac said.

A moment later, Rucker entered the building with Copyright 2016 - 2024