Breaking Away (Delta Force Strong #3) - Elle James Page 0,32

with, the other in case I miss the first time.”

Blade ripped a piece of fabric from what he’d used to tie Ahktar’s wrists. He wadded it up and yanked the man’s head back and shoved the fabric into the man’s mouth. “That way he can’t give your position away.”

“If we aren’t back in two hours…” Mac shrugged. “I’d like to say head back to Kabul, but you don’t know who you’ll run into on the road. You might be better off waiting here for help to arrive.”

“I’ll figure out something.” Josh waved a hand toward them. “Go. Find Kylie. I’d go with you but…” He jerked his head toward Ahktar. “We can’t leave this guy. He’s killed to many of our own.”

Mac glanced at Blade. “Ready?”

Blade nodded in the starlight. “Let’s do this.”

“If it’s nothing, we’ll be back soon. If it’s a full can of worms, well…” Mac paused. “Keep your head down. Don’t let them know where you are. If you have to leave that bastard, do it. Just don’t let the Taliban catch you.”

Josh nodded. “Gotcha. Shoot the bastard and run. Seriously, be careful out there. And find Kylie. I hate to think what they’ll do to her.”

Mac hated to think of that as well. The Taliban weren’t known for their kindness to the opposition. They’d sooner cut off your head than sit down to peace talks.

Without another word, Mac and Blade set off down the hill, taking a more direct route than going by the winding road.

They slid down the slopes in their hurry to reach the bottom where the vehicle was shining the headlights into the hillside. When they could, they ran, but for the most part it was a steep incline. All they could do was sit and ride the gravel downward. As they neared the bottom, they heard men shouting in Pashto.

A small rise blocked their view of the vehicle below. When they reached the top, they peered over the edge, keeping their heads down in case they came face to face with their enemy.

Below, flashlights blinked in and out as men climbed the hillside, dropped down into ravines and moved up the other side.

They were headed in Mac and Blade’s direction. If they shined their lights higher up the escarpment, they might even catch sight of them.

But they weren’t shining the lights higher, they were looking closer to where they were.

What were they looking for?

“I’d give my eye teeth for night vision goggles right now,” Blade whispered.

“Yeah,” Mac murmured, searching the area in front of the flashlight beams.

The starlight helped some, but whatever they were looking for must be hanging in the shadows or crawling low to the ground. Mac couldn’t make out—

“Fuck,” Blade said. “Do you see what I see?”

“No. What area they looking for?”

Blade grabbed Mac’s head and turned it so that he was looking farther ahead of the men with the flashlights and closer to where they were perched. “Look at that ridge down below us. See that?” Blade pointed.

Mac followed his finger to the ridge Blade indicated. Movement caught his attention. He squinted, trying to make out what it was. “What is it?”

“I’m not sure. Something big. Looks like it has four legs.”

The creature stepped into the starlight and Mac sucked in a breath. “It’s two people. One holding onto the other. One shorter than the other.”

“You think it might be Kylie?” Blade asked.

Mac’s jaw hardened and his fists closed around his rifle. “If it is, someone could be holding her hostage. Come on. We have to be sure before we blow our cover.” Mac slipped over the top of the ridge, keeping his body as close to the ground to avoid presenting a silhouette target for the Taliban to shoot at.

They had to be stealthy and swift at the same time. On the rugged terrain, that was nearly impossible. Especially when they needed to get to the two people before the men with the flashlights reached them.

The race was on.

Chapter 10

Kylie’s back ached and her legs burned and felt like jelly at the same time. They could hear the shouts of the men below. It wouldn’t be long before they caught up with them. Unfortunately, Kylie couldn’t keep up the pace. Hell, she could barely stand, and Musa was quickly losing what little strength he’d been able to muster thus far.

The man had been beaten so badly, it was a miracle he was still upright.

At that moment, Musa stumbled, his body lurching forward, taking Kylie down with him.

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