Breaking Away (Delta Force Strong #3) - Elle James Page 0,23

him to let her husband live.

“He was just protecting his family,” Kylie said.

“He almost killed you,” Mac said, his voice low and rough.

“But he didn’t,” Kylie repeated. “You can let him go. I don’t think he’ll hurt us.”

“Go ahead, Mac. I’ve got you covered.” Dash held his weapon trained on the father.

Mac released the man. He turned and pushed his wife and children behind him. Then he bowed, pressing his hands together. “Thank you. Thank you.”

Mac pulled Kylie into his arms. “I died a thousand deaths watching him press that gun to your head.”

“Wouldn’t have done him much good,” Dash said. He held the gun in his hand, the bolt open and empty. “It wasn’t loaded.”

Kylie laughed. “Now, I feel bad for hitting him with my head.”

“I don’t feel bad.” Mac brushed his thumb lightly across her temple. “He hit you.”

“I’ll live,” she said. “Those kids have been through enough. I’m sure this isn’t the first time they’ve been scared.”

Rucker entered through the gate of the walled home. “We’ve checked. The threat has been neutralized.”

“We can’t go back to the hotel,” Mac said.

“I’ve contacted the air transport folks at Bagram Airfield,” Rucker said. “They have a plane they can get Miss Adams on tonight. We just have to get her there in the next hour to fill out the paperwork.”

Dash glanced at this watch. “That doesn’t give us much time. I doubt we’ll find a taxi this far away from the city center.”

Kylie stared up into Mac’s eyes. “I’m flying out tonight.”

His gaze never left hers. “You are.” He gripped her arms and pulled her close, resting his chin on her hair.

Dash tapped his watch. “What part of we don’t have much time do you not understand?”

Blade elbowed him. “Shh, man. Can’t you see they’re having a moment?”

Rucker chuckled. “We can wait for a moment, but much longer than that, and she might miss that flight.”

“Would that be a bad thing?” Mac murmured.

She nodded. “It keeps you all at risk. I have to go.” Kylie’s heart was breaking, but she stepped back. “We need to get moving.”

“Are you up to walking really fast?” Rucker asked. “That blow to the head had to have hurt.”

She nodded, wincing. “It did. But I’ll be okay.” Avoiding Mac’s gaze, she glanced around. “Any idea how to get back to a place where we can catch a taxi?”

The man who’d hit her looked up. “Taxi?”

Kylie nodded. “Yes. Taxi.”

He waved his hand toward the gate. “Come. Taxi.”

He led, and the Deltas followed, their weapons at the ready.

Mac stayed at Kylie’s side, hovering over her, using his body as a shield.

With each step, Kylie fought back tears. In a few short hours, she’d be on her way back to the States. She didn’t know when she’d see Mac again, or if he wanted to see her. They’d been together, made love and had fallen right back into the easy way they’d been with each other so long ago. But was that enough? Or had this just been a fling on his part? A way to get her out of his system?

The Afghan led them to another walled home and through the gate. Inside the yard was a small van with a sign on top.

“Taxi.” He nodded and then went to the door, banging loudly.

An older Afghan answered. The two spoke, and the older man went back inside and came out with a set of keys.

“Where do you want to go?” the older man asked as he walked toward the vehicle.

“Bagram Airfield,” Rucker responded.

The six of them crowded into the van, and the old man slipped into the driver’s seat. Soon, they were on their way through the city toward Bagram Airfield and the plane that would take Kylie away from Mac.

Kylie sat between Dash and Mac, holding Mac’s hand. He squeezed tightly, the pressure bringing tears to her eyes. Not because it hurt, but because it might be the last time they held hands for a long time.

She didn’t want to let go.

Mac liked the feel of Kylie’s hand in his. For years he’ dreamed of holding her, of loving her and making her his.

With her back in his life again, he didn’t want to let go.

The taxi slowed at an intersection, and the driver waited for traffic to pass before he could merge.

A vehicle slowed and allowed them to join the long line heading in the direction of the airfield.

Two blocks later, the van came to a complete stop.

“What’s holding us up?” Mac leaned forward, looking Copyright 2016 - 2024