Breakaway - Sadie Jacks Page 0,46

her ass deeper into my lap. A low, shaky moan left her as Tag opened his mouth over hers. She followed his direction.

I was front row center to a sexy as hell makeout session between my brother and the girl I wanted to bury myself inside. I watched and listened as they learned each other and indulged their senses.

After a moment Hollyn pulled back. Her lips rosy, her cheeks flushed, her eyes heavy with arousal. She tipped her head to the side. “You taste different.”

I laughed. “I told you, Stretch, we’re triplets, not replicas.”

She slapped at my chest.

Her eyes widened when her skin met mine. She looked up at me as she wet her bottom lip. “You don’t have a shirt on.” She lowered her gaze to my chest, my abs. She licked her bottom lip again. “Can I touch you?”

My body hardened to the point of near pain. I nodded, words beyond me. I held my breath for the first willful touch of her flesh on mine.

She lifted her hands to my collar bones. A soft sigh escaped her as her eyes followed the movement of her fingers. “You’re so soft.”

She pressed her fingertips into the muscles of my pecs. “And so hard at the same time.” She curled her fingers slightly, dug her nails into me.

My cock jerked against her ass as I tried to restrain myself from mauling her. My heartrate picked up as she journeyed her hands over my body. The breath backed up in my lungs and exploded in a soft rush as she scratched her thumb nail over my nipple.

She pulled her hand away, a question in her eyes. “Was that not okay?”

I nodded. “That was better than okay. I’ll let you know if something isn’t okay.” I leaned forward, rubbed my nose against hers. “I promise.”

She watched me for long seconds before she nodded. She resumed her leisurely stroll over my upper body as I resumed trying to not lay her out and do my own investigation of her body.

“I think I—” Tove announced as he came back in the room.

I snarled at him.

Hollyn didn’t even flinch.

“Doesn’t matter,” Tove said as he set his laptop down on one of the oversized armchairs. He crawled up on the bed with the rest of us. He raised his eyebrows at me.

I shook my head. She got curious.

Hollyn giggled. “You guys really do need to learn to guard your thoughts.” She sighed and turned to Tove. Her eyes widened when she realized he, too, didn’t have a shirt on.

She spent a few moments cataloguing the differences in our bodies with her gaze. But her hands stayed busy on my chest.

“Grumpy?” Her voice was low and felt like silk over my flesh.

“Yeah, sweetcheeks?” His eyes were narrowed.

“Can you take your shirt off too?”

Her pupils blew out as he ditched his shirt and moved around to my other side.

“Oh stars. You all are so beautiful.” She licked her lips again. “Can I touch both of you?” She turned to look at Tag and Tove in turn.

“Gods yes,” Tove said instantly.

Tag remained silent until she looked back at him. “Can I touch you back?”

Her eyes widened again. “You want to touch me?”

All three of us snarled.

Tag nodded. “But only on days that end in Y.”

Hollyn’s brow furrowed for a second. “They all end in Y.”

Tag snorted. “Exactly.”

She wrinkled her nose. “Grumpy, was that supposed to be a joke?”

He nodded.

“We’ll work on that.” She petted a hand down his abs. “It was a really good first try though.”

Tove and I burst into laughter. I almost unseated her from my lap I was laughing so hard. “He’s almost a lost cause in the human department, Stretch. It will take a lot of work.”

She smiled at Tag. “I don’t mind hard work.”

He leaned forward, grabbed her face in his hands. “I’m going to kiss you.” He paused for the brief second it took for her to nod. He pressed his lips to hers. Opened his mouth, taught her how to duel with him.

He pulled back, scooted around her on the bed, pulled her into his lap. “Do you trust me?”

She nodded, her eyes wide. “Yes, grumpy, I trust you.”

“Do you want to take your clothes off?” he asked her as he nibbled kisses up her neck.

“Clothes are stupid. So, of course, I want to take them off.” She rolled her eyes at me.

I chuckled even as my body tightened.

“Have you ever had sex because you wanted to?” he asked as he grabbed Copyright 2016 - 2024