Breakaway - Sadie Jacks Page 0,22

mentally. That’s what he said now. Even in a group of supposedly magical people, being the only one with even an iota of magic had turned everyone else against me. Magic could get me killed faster than anything else.

I licked my lips, cleared my throat.

His gaze followed my tongue for a moment before he closed his eyes, shook his head. “I’m ready.” He opened his eyes again, his dark fiery gaze tight on my eyes.

“I’m allergic to metal. Anything with medium to high levels of iron. It…hurts me.” I held my breath, afraid of his reaction.

His brow pinched as his lips pursed. “Why is a metal allergy a big secret?”

I looked around the room. Made sure we were in the clear. “Because I’m a druid. And it can kill me.”

His mouth dropped open.

I put a finger over his lips. Nodded when he closed his mouth.

The silky texture of his lips against the inside of my finger had goosebumps raising all over my skin.

A smirk raised the corner of his mouth as he watched me closely. Without removing his lips from my finger, he whispered, “Druid? As in magic? Like Merlin?”

My eyes widened. I covered his mouth fully with my free hand. “Don’t ever say that word again. Not ever. He can find you if you call him.”

Chapter 13 – Toven

“Who can find us?” I asked as I walked through the door of her hospital room. “And why are you whispering?” The small bouquet of flowers I held caught Hollyn’s gaze.

A huge smile stretched her mouth. “Are those for me?”

I shook my head. “No. They’re for Thane.” I shot her a sad smile, handed the little bunch of stems to my brother. “Here.”

Her smile wilted like flowers left in the sun too long without water. I immediately felt like a jerk. “I was kidding. Yes, they’re for you.” I extended my arm.

She shook her head. “No. If they’re not for me, then you shouldn’t give me your brother’s present.” Her eyes were wide and her gaze was open and honest.

Now I just didn’t know what to do with myself. I looked around the room awkwardly. Prayed for a roaming nurse to come save me from myself.

A small snort had me turning to look at Hollyn. Her bottom lip was caught between her teeth as her chest bucked.

“Give him a break, Stretch. He’s probably going to start crying,” Thane said.

I looked back at Hollyn. Streaks of red dusted her high cheekbones. Giggles erupted as she lost control. She laughed so hard, she groaned and held her stomach. “Your face, Tove,” she said between her gasping breaths.

I laughed, tossed the flowers at the foot of her bed. “Well played, good lady.” I dropped into a courtly bow. “Well played.” I tipped an imaginary hat at her.

Her laughter spiked higher.

I looked at Thane. Everything about him was focused on the woman who had crashed into our lives. From the smile on his face to the fingers he curled into the bedding, he wanted her.

Hell, I’m pretty sure all of us wanted her. Even Tag, the sourpuss. He might not like the ‘mess’ she made of our lives, but we’d been drowning. No life vest, no dinghy, only an anchor around our ankles, kind of drowning.

Her laughter began to subside as she itched at her arm absently.

I followed the movement to the IV line. Black threaded out from the needle site in artful swirls that reminded me of vines. “Hollyn?” I nodded at it.

Both she and Thane looked down at her arm.

“I need it taken out. Now. Before the poison gets too deep.” She moved her free hand as if she were going to just rip it from her skin.

“Wait.” I jumped forward. “Let’s get a nurse to do that.” I hit the blue button on the side rail of her bed. “They’ll get someone here to do that so you don’t have to hurt yourself or rip through anything vital.” I shuddered. As long as I didn’t look at the needle. Or think about it too hard. Or see any blood…yeah, then I might be able to stay conscious. There was a reason I played with computers.

She shook her head again. “The longer it stays in, the longer it will take me to get over it. I can’t go back there. I’d rather die of poisoning than get the cure.” She lifted her hand again.

Thane grabbed it. “Let’s see what modern medicine can do. There’s a lot of things they can cure nowadays.”

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