The Break-Up Psychic - By Emily Hemmer Page 0,75

pressed khaki pants. Gorgeous, as always.

“Well, hey there, Tim. How you doin’?” Brook asks, leaning over the table so her leathery breasts are on full display.

“Brook, Amber,” Tim acknowledges with a nod to each. “I was just setting up our tent and I couldn’t help but notice Ellie here in this…delectable outfit.”

I blush under Tim’s flattery and resist the urge to cover myself in his presence. His eyes linger on my exposed stomach and I feel a mixture of repulsion and excitement. Why can’t anything ever be black and white when it comes to him?

“Well, I’ll take that as a compliment,” says Brook. “These two have been belly-aching about these uniforms for weeks, so it’s good to hear they’re being appreciated.”

“Well, I definitely appreciate them.” Tim gives Brook a raunchy smile and fingers the honey-flavored powder open in front of him. “What’re these?”

“They’re flavored body powders, our newest hot item. That honey flavor’s Ellie’s favorite. Would you like to have yourself a little taste test?”

“No need,” says Tim, looking fixedly at me with blue eyes made heavy by lust. “I’ve already tasted this particular flavor, and I have to say, I’m a fan.”

I’m stricken with embarrassment and stand, unmoving, under the heat of his gaze.

“But maybe Ellie would like to help me test another flavor. I’ve always had a weakness for chocolate.”

“She can’t.” Amber’s voice rings loud and unnatural and we all look, startled, to the back of the tent. “I mean, she can’t help you with that flavor because I’m in charge of the chocolate.”

Amber’s hands go to the collar of the trench coat and hesitate just a moment before grabbing the heavy material and heaving it off her shoulders. The coat lands in a puddle at her feet and for a few seconds we’re all too stunned to say a word. Amber’s porcelain skin is everywhere. The snug midriff baring t-shirt reveals perky, ample breasts. Her arms are long and graceful, but it’s her legs that I can’t take stop looking at. I’ve never seen Amber’s legs. They’re always incased in thick black fabric. The sight of her well-defined thighs just below the tight pink shorts is mesmerizing.

“Good Lord almighty. I wasn’t expecting that.” Brook reaches out a hand to Amber as though she wants to touch her and make certain she’s real.

Amber walks catlike toward us, her black boots a sexy contrast to the ultra-feminine uniform. I look at Tim who’s openly eyeballing Amber’s chest and utter a relieved sigh, glad for the distraction.

“So, how about it, Tim? You still want that taste test?” Amber brings up the chocolate powder’s puff, and shakes the shimmering substance across one wrist, never taking her eyes off Tim’s transfixed face.

“Uh…” Tim begins to smile but confusion quickly clouds his eyes. He blinks and looks stupidly in my direction then brings his hand up, wiping the smile from his face. “I’m flattered, really, but I think I’ll have to decline for now.”

Amber drags a finger across her wrist and slowly inserts it into her mouth, licking the chocolate powder from her skin. A short, high giggle escapes my mouth as I watch Amber’s ministrations with the powder. She’s saved me from Tim.

“Well, let me know if you change your mind,” she says, slinking to the back of the tent again.

The three of us remain silent, amazed by what we’ve just witnessed. Tim recovers first, taking a step backward and away from the temptress in the black boots. “I guess I better get back over to the boys at the bank,” he says to me and takes another backward step. “I’ll stop back by later, bring you one of the teddy bears we’re giving away to new customers.”

“Well, that’s sweet!” interrupts Brook. “Don’t forget to bring one for me too, handsome.”

“Anything for a sexy lady like you,” he says, his charm sliding neatly into place. “Bye, Ellie.”

“Bye.” I start to raise my hand but stop midway and bring it around my back instead. As I watch Tim return to his tent, I take a deep breath, releasing the anxiety that overtook me during his visit. Little by little that feeling of loss and hurt that erupts every time I see him is dwindling. Of course some of the credit for that must go to Sam. When I’m with Sam, Tim seems like a distant memory. Well, when I was with Sam.

I turn away from the oncoming line of fair-goers and see Amber looking at me. “Thank you,” I mouth softly to her.

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