The Break-Up Psychic - By Emily Hemmer Page 0,63

measure. “I’m sure we’ve got something around here that’ll do the trick. What sort of fragrance do you normally go for?”

“Something a little spicy, a little exotic,” she says, winking one brilliantly green eye at me.

“Alright… I think we’ve got something that might do the trick over here.” I lead her to a narrow cabinet near the register where Brook’s stocked a variety of imported oils and perfumes. “I’m Ellie, by the way.”

“Hi, I’m Roxy.” She extends a petite hand to me and I feel like a clumsy oaf when I sort of half pull, half push her arm with my jerky handshake. I’m not prone to a lack of self-confidence, but there’s something about being around a gorgeous woman that makes you want to spend your life-savings on a whole new wardrobe. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“So, do you like working here?” she asks.

“Yeah, I do. It’s fun, and I can’t really complain about the discount.”

“I bet. You must walk out of here smelling like a flower shop.”

“That’s what my ex always said,” I say wryly.

“Ex, huh? I’ve got a few of those myself,” says Roxy, nodding her head in camaraderie and biting on her bottom lip.

“Yeah, well, I guess I haven’t figured out how to make a boyfriend a more permanent fixture in my life. Actually, I sort of made a resolution recently to stop dating my ‘type.’”

“Really? And how’s that working out for you so far?”

“Let’s just say that the first step is admitting I have a problem.”

“You and me both, sister.” She laughs. “I’m hoping the perfume will help me undo one of my bigger mistakes.”

“Do tell,” I say, leaning toward her.

“Let’s just say my ex has been a little reluctant to kiss and make up. We’re still crazy in love with each other but I bruised his ego, and he’s as stubborn as they come. Right now he’s hovering between licking his wounds and,” she whispers, “wanting to lick me.”

“Well then, we better find you a good one,” I conspire, attempting my own sexy wink. “What about something like this?” I spray a test stick with a French perfume called ‘Fresh’ and hand it to Roxy.

“Mmm, smells like a vineyard. Sort of earthy and robust,” she says, closing her eyes as she inhales the fresh scent. “But not exactly what I’m looking for.”

“Okay, let’s try something else...” I consider the contents of the cabinet and think of Sam James. What would bring a man like that to his knees? Something sweet that’s also a little naughty. A perfume that lingers on bed sheets and makes your stomach growl when you catch its scent in the air. My hand falls on a bottle of ‘Havana Vanille,’ a Cuban perfume that’s one of my personal favorites. I’ve got no idea how Brook managed to smuggle it into the country, but I suspect it had something to do with her new boobs and a pair of eager hands.

I spray the perfume onto a test stick and hold it out to Roxy. She inhales deeply, arching her neck back as she releases an ‘ah’ sound. Now, I’m strictly a lover of the fellas, but Roxy’s sex appeal breaks down barriers. I wonder what I’d look like, arching my neck back in that way? Probably like I pulled a shoulder muscle.

“Yes, this is the one,” she says, smiling shrewdly at me as she arches a perfectly waxed eyebrow.

“It’s one of my favorites,” I say, grabbing a new box from the cabinet drawer, “and as I recall, it’s a big success with the men. Something about the memory of their mother’s baking.”

Roxy nods her head in agreement. “The best of them always like to be reminded of their sainted mommies.”

Tim hated his mother, further proof I need to stay as far away from him as humanly possible. Roxy follows me to the counter where I ring her up and place the sweet perfume into one of the Bath Shop’s cute canvas totes. I’m only supposed to give them out when someone spends more than seventy dollars, but I like Roxy. She’s that perfect combination of sexy and sweet all girls wish they were.

“Here you go,” I say, handing her the bag, a genuine smile on my lips. “It was such a pleasure meeting you.”

“Yeah, you too. Maybe I’ll stop back by if the perfume does the trick, fill you in on all the delicious details.”

“I’d love that. And don’t worry. The combination of you and the perfume will be deadly. The Copyright 2016 - 2024