The Break-Up Psychic - By Emily Hemmer Page 0,61

‘Sharp Dressed Man.’ As a native Texan, I have a deep and abiding love for the long bearded old-timers of ZZ Top, but still, it’s an unexpected choice. I lift the hem of the t-shirt, ready to hop in the shower and let Sam James lather me up, when I see something glinting from inside the vase on the dresser.

I peer into it. There’s something small and shiny resting at the bottom. I glance at the door, listening as Sam hums out the instrumental chorus of the song, and reach into the vase, feeling around with my fingertips until I touch something small and circular. I loop it around the tip of my finger and draw my hand from the vase. My heart hammers against my chest as I see the beautiful and rather large diamond glinting back at me.

I bring my hand to my lips, sickened by this discovery. The sound of the shower being turned off jolts me into action. I carefully drop the ring back inside the vase and turn to gather my clothes from the floor, lifting his shirt over my head and throwing it onto the bed. When I said I wanted to trust him, I was telling the truth, but that was before I found out he keeps his ex-fiancé’s engagement ring in a vase on his dresser. No, I’ve been burned one too many times to leave myself unprotected. I’ve got to find out if Sam is still in love with his ex. If my psychic senses aren’t going to do their job and warn me of possible heartbreak, I’m going to have to do it for myself.

“Hey there, pretty lady. Change your mind about the shower?” Sam emerges from the bathroom with a towel slung low around his waist.

As freaked out as I am, I can’t help but wish a strong breeze would overtake that towel right now. No! Get your head out of the gutter, girl. This is no time to be blinded by lust. “I just didn’t realize how late it is!” I exclaim. “I’ve got to get back to Luanne’s and change before work.” I zip myself up and drop to my knees, pulling a shoe from beneath the bed and avoiding Sam’s eyes. I’m a terrible liar and I’m pretty sure if I hang around much longer, I’m going to go all ‘Dr. Phil’ on his ass about hiding his ex-fiancé from me.

“Alright, maybe you want to grab lunch later? I can meet you at the diner whenever you’re available.”

“Yeah, um, maybe. I’ll call you, okay?” I shove my feet into the green booties and look up at him, trying to plaster a nonchalant smile on my face. He’s not buying it.

“Ellie,” he says, placing his hand, warm from the shower, against my cheek, “what’s going on? You seem upset about something.”

You’re hiding the fact that you keep your ex-fiancé’s engagement ring in your bedroom. So, yeah, I guess I’m upset. Of course, I can’t explain how I know about any of that. “What? No, I’m totally fine. Couldn’t be better. Had a super time so…thank you, for everything. I mean for the dinner last night and the sex and…everything. Really it was, awesome. Really fun.” I need to get out of there before I totally fucking lose it.

I plant a quick kiss on Sam’s bewildered face and give him a tight-lipped smile before scooting out of the bedroom and the house. Thank goodness I followed him back there in my car last night. I jump into the driver’s seat, turn the ignition, and throw the car into gear. Any impression I may’ve left about wanting to get away from him is now a foregone conclusion. The tires squeal as I peel out of the driveway and onto the street.

At the stop sign I dig through my purse and unearth my cell phone. I take a deep breath and dial Luanne’s number, trying to calm down. She may be a bit of a wild-child with a penchant for dumb, rough men, but she sure gives great advice.

Her cheery voice answers on the second ring. “Hey, doll.”

“Lu? I did it again.”

“Brook, your cousin Peg’s on the phone. She wants to know if you want to come to the toe-sucker’s birthday dinner Friday night,” Amber yells at Brook, not bothering to cover the phone’s mouthpiece.

“Stop that right this instant!” I hiss, trying to snatch the phone from her.

Amber pushes my hand away and rolls charcoal eyes at me, bringing the Copyright 2016 - 2024