The Break-Up Psychic - By Emily Hemmer Page 0,59

any further. I can’t help it. I want to know more about his past and I can’t pass up on the opportunity to take advantage of his current prone position. “So, when did you buy this place?”

“About three years ago.”

I wait for him to add more detail, but he seems rather content to let me dig it out of him. “How many bedrooms?”

“Why? You want to help me christen them?” He smiles, pulling the sheet covering me down a little further and making my belly jump with excitement.

“Just trying to get a feel for the place is all. Did you find it yourself or have some help?”

“I suppose I had some help.”

His smile is bemused, and it’s making me want to spank him. “Are you going to tell me who helped you, or are you enjoying yourself too much?”

Sam’s smile widens and I trace the outline of his dimple before it hides away again.

“My sister’s a realtor. When this place came up for sale, she thought it’d be perfect for me.”

“Oh,” I say, surprised at his answer. “Does all of your family live nearby?”

“We’re a bit scattered now. I’ve got two sisters who live in Dallas, a third here, and my parents are about ten minutes away.”

“So you’re close to your family?”

“Well, being the baby brother, they do dote on me a bit,” he says, grinning as he brings one arm behind his head to prop himself up. “What about you? Are you close to your folks?”

I pause, uncomfortable with the prospect of telling him about my relationship with my father. It’s complicated to say the least, and I certainly don’t want to be accused of having ‘daddy-issues.’ Every girl knows that’s just guy-code for, ‘This bitch is crazy.’ “My mom and I are pretty close. She’s actually getting married soon, to her dentist of all things.”

“Aren’t you happy for her?”

“Yeah, I think so. I mean, I want her to be happy, of course, but I just…”

Sam brings his hand up to play with my hair, waiting for me to continue. I swallow and shake my head, offering him an apologetic smile. “Sorry, I guess I’m still a little shocked that she’s getting married again. The wedding’s just around the corner and I haven’t even met my future step-dad yet. Don’t you think that’s a little weird?”

“Not particularly. My parents swear by love at first sight. I guess when you know, you know.”

His words are so sincere. It makes me wonder how he felt when he met his ex. Was it love at first sight for them too and if so, has he been able to move on?

Sam’s gaze moves over my face and I know he can read something in my eyes because he says, “I forgot, you don’t go in for all that fairytale love nonsense.”

“Have you ever been in love?” I blurt out, unable to keep the words unspoken.

Sam lowers his eyes for a brief moment before turning his head slightly to look more directly at me. “I have,” he sighs.

I study his face. Although serious, he doesn’t appear uneasy or sad by the confession. I wait for him to tell me more but once again he remains quiet, waiting for me to ask the questions. “What happened?”

Sam moves the hand from beneath his head and sinks back into the pillow. He gently brushes through my messy bed-hair as he responds. “I found out she wasn’t the right one, for me,” he says carefully.

His words hang in the air, because I don’t know how to answer him. He clearly doesn’t want to discuss his past any more than I want to relive mine, so why can’t I just let it go?

“Is there anything else you want to know, Ellie?”

I open my mouth, ready to ask if he’s still in love with his ex, if he’s just using me like he allegedly used Amber’s friend, but I stop myself. Sam’s been nothing but honest and patient with me. He doesn’t owe me his life’s story. The past is the past and if I keep comparing him with those that have let me down, I could be left with nothing.

“No,” I say, satisfied for now.

I lean over Sam, my hair falling like a curtain around our faces. His arms go around me and he lightly presses against my lower back. I brush my lips against his, barely making contact as I position my hips downward, resting my body on top of him. He breathes heavily through his nose and Copyright 2016 - 2024