The Break-Up Psychic - By Emily Hemmer Page 0,44

work with here. Did he smother your feet in chocolate or peanut butter first?”

“Eww, no, Amber, there was no smothering of any kind involved.”

“So you’re a purist. Okay, I can respect that.” Amber’s face is thoughtful and her words are sincere, which is a first for her. Hell, she’s acting downright interested which kind of makes me want to keep this lie going. Not for nothing, having someone on my side that can turn an ex-boyfriend into a voodoo doll may not be a bad thing.

“Sorry to disappoint you, Morticia, but I was the victim of a toe-assault, not a willing participant. Brook’s creepy cousin was going for the gold medal of bad blind dates and I sort of inadvertently kicked him in the nose.”

Amber claps her hands in excitement and gives a squeal of delight. “You’re freakin’ kidding me! Old ‘Celery Ellery’ has a foot-fetish? And you told Brook and that’s why she’s gone comatose?”

“Pretty much. Listen, I don’t really want to talk about it anymore. Go get the new pumpkin-spice candles out of the back and let’s get to work on the new display window,” I say, putting distance between myself and the ecstatic Amber.

“Whatever you say, boss. And, Ellie, I want you to know this is pretty much the most I’ve ever liked you.”

“Gee, thanks, Amber. I’m just glad my awful date has brought you so much pleasure.”

“Me too,” she says, skipping into the stockroom, her black heart at peace with the world.

The store has been unusually busy today and Amber’s good mood quickly fades as she assists woman after woman in selecting foot scrubs and at-home chemical peels. Word about the flavored body powders has spread, and I find myself dusting wrist after wrist with the sweet-tasting powders. I finish ringing up the last customer of the afternoon rush and wander over to the tasty display. I select the honey powder and lightly dust my neck. I think Sam and I will have to set up an official taste test after work. After silencing Brook this morning I feel I owe it to the scientific community to do my bit.

I’m lost in thought when Amber sneaks up behind me and soundly licks the powder right off my neck. The shock of the sneak attack has me spinning around.

“What in the hell was that for?” I squeal, rubbing the wetness from my neck and shooting Amber a look of disgust. I know my mistake immediately.

Amber raises her arm and points her finger at my neck. “Hickey,” she says, glee oozing out of her every pore.

My hand shoots up to cover the bruised skin of my neck while my face and chest glow red with humiliation. “Amber,” I warn.

“First you get your toes sucked, now you have a hickey? Ellie, I think I love you.”

“It’s not what you think.”

The door chime rings and both Amber and I turn to see Sam James strolling into the shop. He looks relaxed and confident and is completely unaware that at this very moment I’m swirling around the third circle of Hell.

“Sam, what’re you doing here?” I ask, eyes working between him and Amber, trying to think up a plan to get him out of the store as fast as possible.

Sam shoots me a smile then eyes Amber questioningly. Her arm is still outstretched and her finger is still pointing directly at me. “Just thought I’d stop by, say hello. Hi, name’s Sam.”

Sam extends a hand to Amber but she ignores him. Her black eyes are traveling slowly between us…putting two and two together behind a shrewd expression. She begins to nod her head ever so slightly and I know it’s just a matter of time before she’s got the whole thing figured out, and my Sam James secret becomes public knowledge.

“That’s so, um, thoughtful of you!” I say, raising my eyebrows at Sam, trying to get him to commit to my attempt at improvisation in front of Amber.

“Well, I guess I’m a thoughtful guy,” he responds, brow furrowed in confusion as he takes back the hand Amber never accepted.

“Why’re you thoughtful? What are you thinking about?” demands Amber. She rounds on Sam, crossing her arms over her chest and putting her back to me. All of her dark and deductive powers are now focused directly on him. The poor man.


“Sam,” I say, walking around Amber, “was just, uh, well he was just checking in with me about Luanne’s truck. Her truck was in the shop and he was just doing a Copyright 2016 - 2024