The Break-Up Psychic - By Emily Hemmer Page 0,41

that’s so achingly gentle, it leaves me feeling lightheaded and weak when he pulls away. The soft tear of foil reaches my ears and then he’s back, his warm hand guiding my calf around his waist as he moves to slide himself inside of me. I feel my wetness coating him, making the passage easier, as his girth fills me completely. Once he’s fully encased inside of me he stops to look down at me and ask, “You okay?”


That word is all he needs. He begins moving his hips back and forth, his erection leaving then filling me, over and over again. I hook a leg around one of his and he lifts my other to wrap around his waist. Our kisses become more passionate, our breathing arduous and interrupted frequently by gasps from me and grunts from him. He uses one strong hand to angle my hips upward, causing his body to come into complete contact with my own. The position and movement of his hips has me throwing my head backward in ecstasy.

I’ve lost all sense of time. The feel of his body pressed against me, inside of me, is making it impossible to concentrate on anything. I command my eyes to remain open and look at him. He holds my stare, the small crease between his eyebrows the only sign of his intense concentration. His breathing becomes heavier as he increases the speed of his thrusting.

The quick regularity of his movements brings a wave of deep pleasure to my belly. My orgasm knocks the breath out of me, and I release the air I’ve been holding through a deep groan. I have to close my eyes against the feeling of the strong current tearing its way through me. I grab the tight muscles of his back as he helps me ride out the most powerful climax of my life. Sam’s movements become hurried and jerky. I tighten the muscles wrapped tightly around him and he grunts feverishly into my neck as he loses control, and erupts within me.

We lie sated and joined for a long moment before Sam pushes himself up to kiss my forehead. They’re not the same fevered, passion-filled kisses from foreplay, but soft, sweet kisses that give me goose-bumps and force a smile to my lips. He removes himself from me and rolls over onto his back, using his right arm to scoop me up and draw me next to him. I’m spent, unable to do anything besides drape a sweaty thigh over his leg and relax into him. The room is quiet and I shut my eyes to listen for any psychic alarm bells, but there aren’t any. All I hear is the steady rhythm of my heart beating wildly in my chest. The heart that I’ve vowed will never be broken again.

Chapter 8

“Well, look what the cat drug in.” Luanne, hand on hip, saunters out of her kitchen wearing a grin that would make the Cheshire Cat jealous. “I can’t say I’m not surprised. Old Ellery didn’t look like he had it in him.”

I knew when Sam dropped me off at the apartment that Luanne was home, but I was still hopeful I could avoid her interrogation until after I’d had a chance to process what happened last night. How on earth did I go from moths to toe-sucking to dancing on a dirt floor to Sam James’ bed? It had to be the magic-whiskey.

“Was it kinky?” Luanne asks, grinning wildly.

“Depends. How kinky would you rate toe-sucking?” I move past her and into the bedroom to change for work.

“I’d say it’s about a five,” she says, her excited smile fading into a bemused grin.

“A five?” I raise my eyebrows at her, tossing last night’s dress onto the floor.

“Honey, if some guy getting ‘French’ with your big toe is higher than a five on your kinkiness scale, you need to get out more.”

I grab a pretty yellow blouse and a pair of jeans from the closet and move into the bathroom. I have to admit, I have great post-sex hair. It’s full and bouncy and I run my fingers through it, admiring the color, the gentle curls, the way it hides my hickey. My fingers fly to my neck and touch the slightly bruised skin just above the spot where neck meets collarbone. Sam must’ve gotten a bit carried away last night and given it to me. Hell, he could have given it to me this morning just as easily. Despite the high Copyright 2016 - 2024