The Break-Up Psychic - By Emily Hemmer Page 0,20

the bar he releases me, offering up a vacant stool as he calls out an order to the bartender.

“So, I’ve been thinking about you.” It’s a casual statement but it sends a shock through me, starting in my ears and landing with a thud in my nether region. He’s standing very close to me, which I suspect may be part of his plan to wear me down.

“Oh yeah?” I ask, crossing my legs to quash the sensation. “What’ve you been thinking about, exactly?” Please say kissing me. Please don’t say kissing me.

“Well actually, I’ve been thinking about how you turned me down for a date,” he says, completely unabashed.

I hope the bar’s dim lights are enough to cover the bright-red blush that’s seared itself to my face and chest. “Well, you never asked me on a date, technically.”

Sam’s eyebrows shoot up and he gives me a wry smile. “I thought the date part was implied. Would it have made a difference if I’d used the word date, instead of experiment?”

“I guess we’ll never know,” I say, trying my best to look coy.

“It’s a shame. I think we could’ve collaborated on some very exciting research.”

If the fact that I’m grossly turned on by scientific lingo means I’m a bit of a nerd, I don’t care. Hand me a pocket protector and call me four-eyes.

“For the sake of scientific research, let me ask you a question,” he says, moving closer to me. “Would you consider going out on a date with me this weekend?”

Sam’s eyes stare directly into mine, his lips swept upward in a sexy smile. I’m having a real moment of panic here. I know this guy just saved me from getting felt up by Daryl Dawg, but Sam James represents everything I’ve sworn to stay away from. He rides a motorcycle, for Pete’s sake! I can’t allow my resolve to waiver. “I don’t think it’s such a good idea right now. I’m still on the rebound,” I say, cringing at my choice in words.

“Maybe we could work on a rebound antidote, get you cured.”

Sweet Jesus, I’d like to take that cure. Thankfully Luanne, bleary-eyed and out of breath, collapses against me before I can offer Sam a response.

“Hey, y’all!” she yells, oblivious to the sexual tension hanging over the bar. “Dawg said you were lookin’ for me.” Luanne reaches for Sam’s beer and, without permission, takes a good long swig of the brew.

“I just wanted to make sure you were alright,” Sam calls to her. “Ellie’s date was going for the douche-bag world record. I didn’t want you being exposed to that same shameless behavior.”

Luanne takes another drink from Sam’s bottle and sways on the spot. “Nah, old Wyatt and me were just gettin’ to know each other a bit better. He’s gone to the little cowpoke’s room and I thought I’d come and check up on my girl here.”

For the first time ever, I’m happy Luanne has such horrible taste in men. It’s given me the perfect excuse to get away from Sam James, his leather jacket, and his inescapable charm.

Seizing the opportunity, I say, “Actually, Lu, I think I’d like to leave. I don’t relish Dawg spying on me all night. Would you mind if we got out of here?”

Luanne heaves an exasperated sigh. “Well, I got you outta the house for a whole hour tonight. I guess we can call it a win,” she says, spinning on her heels to face the exit. “Now come on before I change my mind and recruit Sam here to show you a good time.”

Sam smiles at Luanne and raises an eyebrow suggestively at me. That’s my cue. I slide off the stool as Luanne saunters toward the doorman, her booty shaking to the beat of the drum.

“Bye,” I say, daring to look up at him again.

Sam straightens and takes a step away from the bar. His quiet scrutiny makes me nervous. I lift my hand to push my hair back behind my ear, but he beats me to it. His hand is gentle and warm as he tucks away the loose strands, allowing his fingers to graze softly against my neck. His hazel eyes have trapped me, and suddenly everything around us has disappeared. I can’t hear the loud music anymore, can’t see another soul in the bar. All I see is my lust being reflected back at me. I open my mouth to speak, but words won’t come. It’s like the air has been sucked from the room Copyright 2016 - 2024