Break Me (Brayshaw High) - Meagan Brandy Page 0,75

shit’ flying from me as a shiver runs over my body and he waits not a second, tugging me along while I splash at him with my free hand.

He grins, and not five feet in, he’s able to reach the ground. I try, but my head dips under and he pulls me closer.

He chuckles, his hands finding my hips as he walks us in a little more, and as soon as my tiptoes feel the mushy ground beneath them, I nod.

He stops.

I reach up, slapping at his chest, and he grins, catching my wrist and tugging me forward.

I laugh, my fingers subconsciously curling around the chain hanging from his neck, and his grin begins to slip, a far more hazardous expression covers him.

My stomach dips.

It’s as if he’s stoking a fire I didn’t know I’d built.

Or maybe he built it.

How can I feel hot all over when I’m submerged up to my shoulders in cold water?

My hair falls into my face, and I welcome it.

Hide me.

Hide my truth, even from me.

I don’t want to know what this feeling means.

Royce’s attention falls to the strand of hair stuck to my cheek, and his fingers twitch against my wrists. He wants to push it away, but I can’t let him.

He can’t touch me. Not now. Not with both hands. Not when my body’s boiling like a witch’s favorite cocktail, bristling and brewing, overflowing with wicked, wicked things.

I tip my head back as a way to escape those dark and daunting eyes a moment, bending until the water reaches the roots along my forehead and give it a light shake to make sure it’s drenched completely. I lift slowly so it slicks back and out of my face. When I face forward again, Royce’s eyes are locked on my neck.

When I swallow, his jaw flexes and his eyes pop up to mine. Angry. Frustrated.


He whips us around, placing me closer to the bank, and frees my hand from his chain as he tears away from me. He climbs out and up the short hill.

When he comes back, he tosses a few boogie boards to the ground, his phone is in his hand

With aggravated, jerky movements, his fingers pound at his screen. It beeps once and with that one sound, or whatever that sound delivered, relief loosens his shoulders. He sets the phone on a rock, tugs his soiled shirt off, and drops it right beside it.

Abs. For days.

His chain nowhere to be found.

I don’t allow myself to get lost in the corded body in front of me or the special piece of silver draped around him. Instead, I ask, “You okay?”

He nods, focusing everywhere but on me, and shrugs. “I’m bored, need some real entertainment.”

My hands freeze beneath the water and I blink hard. “Are you joking?”

Those dark eyes finally come back to mine, and when they do, they’re distant. Bleak. Bored, as he said he was. “Why would I be joking?”

I couldn’t hide the dry laugh that bursts from me if I tried, not that I care to. I dunk under the water to calm my nerves.

Deep freaking breath, Brielle. This is who he is.

As I think it, something in the back of my mind screams it isn’t true, that the guy who just showed up is the Royce he pretends to be, the one he wants the world to see and know and fear.

I see more.

I rise, make my way over to the flat land, and step from the water.

I don’t look his way, but notice with my every foot forward, he shifts in the opposite direction. I brush through my hair with my fingers and tousle it over so it’s not stuck flat to my head and ensuring my scalp is covered. “Are you ready to head back then?”

“Nope. Party’s coming here.”

I freeze, turning toward him. “Here.”

He watches me closely.

“Okay.” My eyes shift between his. “Are we driving to the other side then?”

He tilts his head. “And the point of that would be?”

“You said this is where you come to avoid being seen, your own little hideaway. Do you really want to bring people here?”

His raucous laugh stings when I wish it wouldn’t, his hand coming up to rest against his ribs even, but it’s all for show.

There’s no humor to be found.

His tone, it’s vile, as is the look in his eyes when he flicks them over me. “You think I’d bring you somewhere I was saving for myself, to a sacred place I wanted to hide from the Copyright 2016 - 2024