Break Me (Brayshaw High) - Meagan Brandy Page 0,58

out. “I’m a fuckin’ cake walk.”

“Maybe I hate cake.”

“Maybe you’re lying.”

She laughs.

“I think we’re gonna enjoy this wanton, Playboy,” Raven says, pulling everyone’s attention to her. “I kind of like you guys’ foreplay.”

Maddoc shakes his head with a smirk while Brielle looks ready to walk away.

Or apologize.

Or maybe deny.

Wait, did she say foreplay?

Raven turns to her. “For real, though, do you not wanna watch the fights?”

“I can’t watch people getting their heads... beat on,” Brielle admits with a hesitance that has me pausing.

“It does get ugly,” Raven’s honest. “But it’s stopped before any real damage is done.”

“You can’t know that for sure.” Brielle’s tone is clear, her voice strong.

I expect myself to snap at her, but it never comes, a completely different train of thought slipping in.

There you go, Tink.

Raven’s eyes tighten at first, but she appreciates someone who speaks their mind and smirks next. “Guess we can’t, can we?”

Brielle offers her a small smile, tension lining her eyes and hiding something deeper behind them as she turns to me.

“Mind if I stay inside?” she asks.


After all the push back just now, she’s doing what I wanted, recognizing I’m the fucking gatekeeper and asking for permission.

Not running off or demanding or telling me what she will and won’t do.

Not fighting, but showing a hint of obedience, what we’ve chased for years.

What my brother fought fierce and wild for with Raven only to share it in the end.

What Captain created in the bedroom when his woman wouldn’t budge.

Not that this shit’s any kind of the same, she ain’t mine like they’re theirs.

She’s a job, I’m her boss, and she’s asking for my permission, as she should.

I should be kissing my own ass ‘cause good shit, right?

I didn’t even have to fight her for it.

So, why the fuck am I annoyed, ready to tear at her?

I don’t.

I keep my face blank, shrug my shoulders and I motion for the bartender, not bothering to spare her another glance. “Fuck if I care.”

I know she doesn’t look away. I sense her trailing my movement as I grab the half bottle from the bottle boy rather than the single glass on the tray.

I take a swig and walk toward the door.

“Do what you want, little Bishop,” I blow her off. “But don’t forget Micah’s your ride, be good to go when he is or get stranded.”

“I will be.” She speaks to my back.

I don’t say anything else, instead leading the group out of the building and to our seats. We climb up and get ready for a fight, but not before I pull my phone out to text Micah the direction of a single word.

Me: leave.

Raven laughs at my side, shaking her head. “Ah, Ponyboy. This is going to get interesting.”

Interestingly irritating.


It’s after two when I finally step from the bathroom with my robe wrapped around me, and I’m more than surprised when I find Maybell sitting on the edge of my bed.

I wince. “Did I wake you up? I tried to be quiet.”

She waves me off with a low chuckle. “No, child. I was doing bed checks.” She eyes me. “Couldn’t sleep?”

“No. I tried to call my brother, but I guess he’s busy doing... whatever it is he does, so figured I’d paint my nails and shower while I waited for a call back.” I shrug. “No luck yet.”

A slight frown mars her forehead, but she smiles through it. “I’m sure he’ll call, child.” She looks away, but comes right back and switches gears. “I wanted to thank you.”

I step farther into the room. “For what?”

“I heard you invite my new girl with you tonight.”

“I thought I was the new girl?” I tease.

She chuckles. “No child, you’re the new... well, never mind.” She winks. “Valine came a few weeks ago and she’s a tough one.”

“Yeah, I kind of got that when instead of a yes or a no, I got a ‘F you’.”

Maybell smiles. “But baby steps are better than no steps at all, hm?”

I nod.

“The others, they don’t quite understand her,” she shares.

“Trying to understand is the problem.” I chuckle and she joins in. “People don’t like being asked questions, I figured that out a long time ago, so you kind of have to just... hang out, talk about nothing. Not that I know much about that anymore, but it worked when I was a kid.” I shrug. “Sometimes all they need is someone to stare at the sand with.”

“That’s exactly right.” She nods, a soft searching in her eyes that stirs something Copyright 2016 - 2024