Break the Day - Lara Adrian Page 0,8

of aggression, of protectiveness, that swept through him on the heels of that unwelcome possibility.

He shook his head, if only to dislodge the vision. “Just trying to understand the situation.”

And yeah, he wanted to know why a beautiful, clearly intelligent woman like her was wasting time hanging around a criminal element like Cruz and his pals. If not out of personal involvement, then what brought her to them?

What made her protective of Cruz and his criminal endeavors when Rafe wasn’t sure she even liked the man?

Or was it her own secrets she was trying to protect?

The whole reason he was there was to find out if the gang had a connection to Opus Nostrum, and, if so, who was at the other end of the string. That meant no one could be above suspicion. For all he knew, he might be looking at that connection right now.

As if sensing his increased scrutiny of her, she glanced away from him and didn’t look back. “I’m not with Cruz or anyone else. I don’t mix business with pleasure.”

Rafe grunted. “Smart policy. So, what kind of business are we talking about?”

“We aren’t. You’re the only one who keeps talking.”

“Must be lucrative,” he pressed. “Maybe there’s room for me in there somewhere.”

“There’s not.”

Something resembling fear flashed across her face in the instant she swung her head around to look at him. But she tamped it down just as quickly, shuttering her expression.

Rafe believed she wasn’t involved with Cruz or any of the other men in his gang, but he wasn’t buying for a second that her defensiveness had anything to do with loyalty to them. Her reaction right now was personal.

And so was her desperation to get away from him and his questions.

Because she was hiding something.

Lying about something.

Hell, right now he wasn’t sure he could believe anything that was coming out of her pretty mouth.

That didn’t mean he was ready to accept that fact and walk away. Far from it.

Sensing her secrecy only made him want to peel her apart layer by layer until he was satisfied he had the answers he needed. Whether he did that by charm, force, or some other means to his advantage, he damn well didn’t care. All that mattered was his mission.

Until he had a name or a face that would lead him to Opus Nostrum’s inner circle, everything else was just a matter of clearing obstacles.

Even if they were beautiful ones like her.

Hell, especially then.

She swung her legs off the bench and abruptly stood up. “This conversation is over. You want to know anything about Cruz or his business, ask him yourself.”

She started to walk away. Using preternatural speed, Rafe moved off the bench and planted himself in front of her before she had taken her next breath.

She sucked in the gulp of air on a gasp, her big eyes going even wider as he blocked her path. He needed honest answers and he didn’t have the patience to risk waiting for them.

Which meant he was going to have to trance her and take the truth from her.

He reached for her arm and she flinched out of his hold on a curse. “Get out of my way.”

Her voice was a low, dangerous growl. And she was strong. His fingers had clasped nothing but pure, lean muscle in that brief moment of contact. There was more power in her than he would ever have imagined possible in a human.

Unless . . .

Rafe reeled back from her, scowling. “What the fuck?”

“Heeey, man!” Fish’s drunken greeting announced him as he approached their tension-wrought corner of the terrace. “There you two are. I’ve been looking all over for you, Rafe.”

He had a pair of giggling women under his arms, and a bottle of beer sloshing precariously in his hand. His shirt was still torn and stained from the gunshot he’d survived, but his companions didn’t seem to mind.

“Here, I brought something for ya.” Fish shoved one of the women at him.

As soon as Rafe’s attention was diverted, Brinks ducked away, as slippery as a ghost.

Biting off a tight curse under his breath, he watched her vanish into the crowd.

He wasn’t going to find her again tonight. She would make certain of that now.

But she couldn’t avoid him forever.

He wasn’t going anywhere. Not until he’d unraveled all of Cruz’s secrets . . . and hers.

“Come on, man.” Fish clapped him on the back. “These chicks have never partied with one of the Breed before.”

“Is that right?” Rafe grinned, totally disinterested. “Then Copyright 2016 - 2024