Break the Day - Lara Adrian Page 0,6

and get out of here.”

Devony zipped her leather jacket, giving the interloper a satisfied, sidelong glance as she stepped past him and the pool of blood that was coagulating nearby. “I’ll be waiting outside.”

The cool autumn air and wide open night sky of the parking lot was a welcome reprieve from the humid, blood-tainted confines of the tavern. She walked over to her motorcycle and swung her leg over the black Triumph’s seat. For a moment, she simply sat there, taking in deep, cleansing breaths with her head tipped up to the moon and stars.

As she reached for her helmet that hung from the handlebar, she heard Cruz and the others exit the back door of Asylum.

And dammit, they weren’t alone.

Rafe strode out with them. Fish clapped the former warrior’s bicep before following Ocho to his red Ferrari and climbing into the passenger seat.

“Meet you there,” Cruz called to Devony as he and Axel walked to the gang leader’s brand-new gunmetal gray Lamborghini and revved it up. The two vehicles rolled out of the parking lot and headed up the street.

Devony always preferred to ride alone, but she deeply regretted that choice as the Breed male walked over to a sleek monster of a BMW bike parked in the space next to hers.

“Where the hell do you think you’re going?”

“Same place you are.” He climbed onto the motorcycle and heeled the kickstand up with his boot. “Cruz invited me to come hang for a while. Guess that means I’ll follow you.”

Not if she had anything to say about that.

Without answering him, she slammed her helmet down onto her head and started the engine.

Then she opened the throttle and tore out of the parking lot, leaving him in the dust behind her.


Rafe had spent many nights chasing from one Boston rooftop or another while on patrol with the Order, whether in pursuit of Breed vampires gone Rogue or other bad guys who’d run afoul of the law and thought they could elude capture on the city’s maze of zig-zagging streets and twisting alleyways.

But he’d never seen the city from the perspective of the multimillion-dollar, sixtieth-floor penthouse where he stood now.

He wasn’t told the name of the rich fuck who owned the place. He didn’t know any of the hundred-plus people partying and dancing inside or spilling out to the open air rooftop terrace with him. Near as Rafe could tell, he was the only member of the Breed there. The crush of humanity—inebriated, sweaty, and loud—had driven him outside not long after he arrived.

As for his newfound companions, Cruz was in a meeting behind closed doors with a few other men from the party, while Fish and his two buddies were busy continuing the celebration they’d started at Asylum. All three were well on their way to shit-faced and surrounded by a group of similarly impaired, attractive women.

Ocho lifted his right hand, the one that had likely earned him his nickname on account of the fact it was missing the last two digits. He gestured for Rafe to come in and join them, but the invitation held little interest or value. Despite the need to fortify the men’s trust and friendship, Rafe’s attention would be better spent elsewhere right now.

He flicked his glance away as if he’d missed Ocho’s signal, then walked farther out onto the terrace.

There was still another member of Cruz’s gang he needed to win over.

Back at Asylum, the brunette called Brinks had eyed him with suspicion from across the tavern even before he’d healed Fish. Afterward, her animosity toward him only seemed to increase. He was used to raising a few hackles in people on the wrong side of the law as a member of the Order, but this woman seemed to hate him on sight.

Apparently, ditching him in the parking lot was only the start of her avoidance of him. Since he’d arrived at the penthouse party, Rafe hadn’t been able to catch more than a fleeting glimpse of her.

He could have sworn he saw her slip outside not more than two minutes ago.

Weaving through the clusters of men and women chattering over their drinks near the illuminated pool and surrounding seating areas, Rafe spotted the briefest hint of black leather and glossy sable hair retreating into the darkness. He wouldn’t mistake that tall, knockout body for anyone else. She disappeared into the shadows at the far end of the long terrace.

He homed in on her with single-minded purpose.

He found her seated on a stone Copyright 2016 - 2024