Break the Day - Lara Adrian Page 0,47


Only one stall had its door closed. Devony opened it from inside. She stood there, fully clothed and fuming, her booted feet planted wide, arms crossed over her breasts and her eyes blazing amber in her outrage.

“He thinks he can screw me over?” The tips of her fangs glinted with each word. “He called me a bitch who might need to get slapped around a little? He has no idea what I could do to him. I want to kill that slimy bastard with my bare hands right now.”

No wonder she practically ran for the restroom. She was so pissed off, there was no way she could have hidden her true nature in public.

And damn if she wasn’t even more beautiful when she was snarling like a Valkyrie.

Outside the restroom door came the sound of tittering female voices. Someone tried the door, but it didn’t give. Rafe was still holding it closed with his mind.

“Out of order,” he growled, and the unwanted interruption went away.

He went back to the more immediate problem of Devony’s righteous anger. “Cruz is an asshole. You think I don’t want to park my fist in his chest cavity right now? Unfortunately, we need him. We need both him and Judah LaSalle alive and well until we can establish if there’s a link between them and Opus. We’re getting close. This big job could be the thing that gets us there.”

Nothing he said seemed to cool her fury. Her fangs filled her mouth, razor tips as bright and sharp as diamonds. Her pupils were slender vertical slits, surrounded by molten light. Rafe couldn’t see her dermaglyphs, but he knew the skin markings would be livid with color beneath her turtleneck and jeans.

Since he was a Breed male with red blood flowing in his veins, it was impossible for him not to take a moment to appreciate the otherworldly glory of Devony’s transformation. As a woman, she was stunning. As an outraged, indomitable Breed female, she was magnificent.

Ah, Christ. She was hot as fucking hell and what he wanted to do more than anything else right now was to feel her body crushed against his. He wanted to cool her anger by stoking a different kind of fire in her.

But then she narrowed her seething glare on him.

“I’ll bet you’re glad Cruz wants me gone, aren’t you?” She took a step forward, coming out of the stall and closing the short distance between them. “You’ve wanted me out of your way from the minute you showed up. Now, you’ve got it. Congratulations.”

“That’s not true.”

Over her searing stare, one brow lifted in challenge.

Rafe cursed and tried again. “All right, it was true. Everything’s different now. We’re a team, Devony.”

“Okay, then go back out there and tell Cruz you want me on that job tomorrow night.”

“If I do that, it’s only going to make him suspicious. You know that. He thinks you’re human. We need him to continue believing that until this is over. If we give him any reason to get skittish, he’ll tip off LaSalle and we’ll be starting all over again.” Rafe caressed the side of her face. “The job tomorrow isn’t as important as the intel we might take away from it. And I promise to share it with you. Partners, remember?”

Her breathing slowed from its furious gallop of a moment ago. She held his gaze, her forehead still furrowed as she considered everything he said.

Rafe couldn’t resist brushing his lips over hers. “Do you have any idea how gorgeous you are? I’ve been standing around out there with a raging hard-on ever since I walked in and saw you again. But right now?” He blew out a low breath and shook his head. “Right now, I don’t think I could keep my hands off you if Cruz and everyone else in the whole fucking place tried to knock down that door.”

“Would it hold?”

Her saucy question went straight to his erection. “I’ll make damn sure it does.”

Moving closer to him, Devony gestured toward the stall where the tranced blonde was snoring quietly. “What about her?”

“The guys assume I’m somewhere tapping her vein. She’s out until I wake her.”

Devony made a purring sound as her hands waded into his hair. “Want to hear a secret? I was hoping you’d follow me back here. Because ever since you walked into this bar tonight, all I can think about is how long I’d have to wait before I could feel you inside me again.”

“Ah, fuck.” Rafe’s breath sawed Copyright 2016 - 2024