Break the Day - Lara Adrian Page 0,35

took hold of her shoulders and set her away from him on a raw, vivid curse.

“I shouldn’t be doing this with you.” His gaze scorched her, his handsome face filled with an awful torment. “You should make me leave, Devony.”

“That’s not what I want.”

He scoffed low at her reply. “This has already gone too far.” His words were uttered like a warning, though whether meant for her or himself, she couldn’t be sure. “Daylight will be here soon enough. If I don’t get back to my place, I won’t be going anywhere for a long while.”

“I know,” she said. “And I’m still asking you to stay.”

She wrapped her hand around his shaft and kissed him again, a scorching mating of their mouths. He didn’t resist it. He didn’t reject her.

No, far from it.

On a growl, he tunneled his fingers into her hair and returned her kiss with a savage claiming. The next thing she knew, she was on her back beneath him, his big body wedged between her parted thighs.

His kiss left her mouth and traveled down the length of her body. He spread her wide and devoured her sex, penetrating her with one finger until she thought she would go mad with arousal. He kept going, adding a second digit once her body grew accustomed to the first.

It wasn’t enough. She craved something more than this. More of him. Still, he didn’t stop, not until she was screaming with the onslaught of a shattering climax.

He shifted atop her, and then his hard length was a rigid demand against her slick folds. He rocked there for a moment, teasing her body with the promise of what was to come.

She thought she was ready.

She thought she had already felt the full spectrum of ecstasy.

Oh, God, she was wrong.

Rafe’s mouth found hers again, and then he gave a thrust of his hips and the blunt head of his cock pierced her. She cried out with the sharpness of it, with the overwhelming sensation of him filling her, stretching her, leaving space for nothing but the intensity of their joining.

She couldn’t hold back her cry as the pain and pleasure merged, becoming something wild and unhinged. She rode it out, her fingernails raking his shoulders as wave after wave crashed into her.

“You feel too damn good,” he murmured, glowering down at her as he watched her come. “You should have ashed me when you had the chance.”

~ ~ ~

He wanted to go slowly.

He wanted to take care, be gentle with her, but Devony permitted none of that.

She was Breed, and she was fearless.

And holy hell, was she exquisite.

The tightness of her sheath gripped him, her virgin flesh giving way under the battering force of his invasion. He could scent the faint fragrance of blood mingling with the silky juices that bathed his cock as he thrust inside her. It should have rattled what little sense of honor he believed he still had. Instead, the beast in him responded with a roar of pure possession.

Her fingernails scored his shoulders, the lean muscles of her thighs wrapped around his hips as she rode the length and depth of every hard crash of their bodies. Her climax broke like a storm beneath him. He’d never felt anything so powerful and electric, so fucking hot.

And her lovely face. Ah, Christ. Her face was even more beautiful transformed by passion and release.

A wave of self-loathing buffeted him as he reveled in her uninhibited response. He had no right to be the one to witness her like this, nor to be the man she allowed to take her pleasure for the first time.

He had no right to any part of her. No claim on her body, and certainly not on her heart.

Yet the idea that any other male might touch Devony lit a cold fire in his veins.

No one would be good enough—least of all, him.

That didn’t stop him from savoring each soft moan that fell from her lips as he pumped into her. Every welcoming arch of her hips to meet his. All of the powerful shudders that swept her strong body as he drove her mercilessly from one orgasm to the next.

He was the worst kind of bastard for being her first, especially when a minefield of half-truths lay between them.

But this was no lie—his desire for her. He hadn’t been able to hide that truth from her. Not from the beginning, and certainly not ever again after tonight.

He couldn’t hold back that need as he rocked Copyright 2016 - 2024