Brazen Tricks - Ali Dean Page 0,23

he knows just what I’m thinking, and swims to the edge of the pool to get out. It doesn’t hit me until then that I’ve made quite the spectacle. It’s not just any fully-clothed guy I’ve pulled into the pool. Nope, it’s Beckett Steele, Summerside University’s most famous alum, in the flesh. Dripping wet and now pulling his shirt off as he shakes his head and laughs. Oops.

I take in a half dozen phones out, probably videoing this little tease, and I try to ignore the queasiness rolling in my stomach.

“You coming?” he calls out, either oblivious to the attention or ignoring it.

My eyes continue to scan the party, waiting for people’s interest to wane or at least for the phones to be put away.

“You got a towel down here?” Beck asks, apparently noticing my hang-up.

“Here,” a familiar male voice says, handing a towel to Beck. It’s Davis, and he’s got my cell too, which he gives to Beck with the towel.

Beck shoots him a disapproving look even as he says, “Thanks.”

Davis is roommates and good friends with Coby, Lucy’s boyfriend. He’s also the only other guy I’ve kissed in college, and Beck knows this. Sure, it was over a year ago and Davis has been around hanging out with all of us a bunch in that time, but Beck will never totally let his guard down around the poor guy. If I could, I’d erase that kiss just to make things a little more chill when we all hang out, but it is what it is.

Beck holds open the towel and I step into it, letting him wrap me up and pull me to his chest.

Davis rocks back on his heels. “Sly is on a mission to set up a ramp for skateboarding into the pool.”

“You warning us or asking us to help him?” Beck asks.

“I’ll let you make that call. He’s pretty fired up but it could be fun. As long as some of the people here who can’t skateboard don’t try it, I’m down.”

Beck glances at me and I nod. “Let’s do it.”

Taylor’s spotted us and he jogs over, slapping Beck on the back. “Oh good, you got anything in your van we can use for a ramp?”

“I might. Let me check.” Beck keeps his arm around me as we weave through the crowded pool deck. People call out his name and he waves.

“Do you know a lot of people here?” I ask once we’re through the gate and walking to the parking lot.

“Just your crew, and I recognize a few faces from classes last fall, but can’t remember names.”

“You’re really good at this celebrity thing,” I tell him.

“And you’re really good at making me worry about you. I saw you standing at the top of the slide on your board and thought you were wasted and about to crack your head open.”

We reach his van and I give him a little shove. “Seriously? I’ve never been wasted before, why would you think that?”

“You said on the phone you were a little drunk.”

“I’m like a tiny bit buzzed, that’s all.”

Beck leans back on the hood of the van and pulls me between his legs. “I think I was just kind of cranky after my meeting with Vienna, and I was hoping you’d be at the Jay Beach house already waiting for me.” He looks sheepish. “Wow, I sound like a clingy little shit.”

“You don’t. I like that you need me. I need you too. I missed you.”

He slides his hands underneath the towel, his hands grasping my thighs. “Come here,” he murmurs, pulling me up as he slides back until I’m straddling him on the hood.

“I heard you found out about Brie and Zora tonight.”

“Yeah. How long have you known?”

“A couple weeks. I hated keeping it from you. But Zora asked me not to say anything until she had a chance to talk to all of you together. You mad?”

“No, I don’t think I’m mad. I don’t like secrets between us though.”

“Maybe that’s why I thought you’d be wasted. I hate to bring up my ex with you straddling me like this, but Kelly used any reason she could find to create drama. She would’ve ditched me for a party, gotten wasted, and flirted with another guy just to stir things up. And she wouldn’t have actually cared that I was trying to do the right thing by keeping a secret, it would’ve just been a reason to get my attention.”

“You know I’m not like Kelly, Beck.” Copyright 2016 - 2024