Brazen Tricks - Ali Dean Page 0,11

we gonna keep them out?”

“I can play bouncer,” Taylor offers.

“Would it be so bad to let them in?” Ellie asks. “More photos on more news outlets is a good thing, right?”

“It’s the fans I’m not real excited about letting in,” Griff clarifies. “I have a lot of people coming tonight I want to actually take the time to talk to, and if I’m dodging chicks asking for my autograph –”

“Or asking you for a booty call,” Naomi adds helpfully.

“You shouldn’t even know what a booty call is,” I grumble.

“I’ll play bouncer too,” Zora offers. “I know people don’t have tickets and I don’t even know most of the guests but I’ve got a really good crazy radar.”

“I’ll admit this is true,” Ellie says. “She was always telling us Sydney was bad news and turns out she was right.”

Summer hops off the counter and pats her brother on the shoulder. “They’re probably all here for Beck and our reality television stars in attendance anyway. Your days of fangirls are going to end soon, Griff, now that you’re not competing. You sure you don’t want to embrace it while you still can?”

“I’m sure.”

I hadn’t really thought about the reality that I might be the one dodging fans tonight. “Will you protect me if Summer’s right?” I ask Jordan.

“Absolutely. I’ve been waiting for this moment forever, Beck. If you thought I was done staking my claim when I mauled you at Southskate, you just wait.”

Now I’m really looking forward to the night and maybe even hoping a few crazy fangirls will accost me.

Chapter Five


Beck had no idea what he was talking about when he said this would be like a regular party. Zora and Taylor play bouncers at the door, so the random people waiting outside who weren’t invited don’t make it inside after all. But it’s not only our friends here, and the other, oh, one hundred and fifty people, aren’t exactly the college party scene types. To start, Beck’s mom Marie and his step-dad Marco are here, along with Griffin’s parents. They’re here to support their sons of course, but I can also tell this is exciting to them, not just an obligation. There are some people here in the big leagues, and even though Beck and Griff might be considered a similar status, it’s still a bit exhilarating to brush elbows with people you’ve seen on television.

“You could have warned me Eileen Delarosa would be here,” I hiss to Beck.

“I didn’t know she would be. But that would explain the paparazzi. Her girlfriend, Whitney, is a skateboarder.”

“She is?” This seems like something even I would have heard about somehow.

“She’s not a pro, but she started a foundation that helps underprivileged kids learn to skate. Kids from tough neighborhoods.”

“That’s really cool.”

“You want to go over there and talk to them, don’t you?”

I’ve been staring at them ever since they arrived. I might not watch much TV but I adore Eileen. She’s one of the few people I was actually excited to follow when I finally got around to joining social media, and I haven’t been disappointed.

“No, that’s okay.” I mean, what would I even say?

“I’ve never seen you go fangirl on anyone, Jordan. Is this what it looks like? You have a crush on Eileen, don’t you?”

My eyes finally pull away from her to look at him. “I just think she’s awesome.” His eyes are twinkling in amusement.

Mine dart back to Eileen. “I mean fine, I have a little crush on her but I don’t stalk her or anything. I didn’t even know her girlfriend was a skater. She looks cool.” The woman beside her is maybe early-thirties, and has this forever-young vibe going for her. Sun-bleached blonde braids wrapped in a pile on her head and, I notice, Brazen shoes.

“She’s sponsored by Brazen? She should be!”

“You know, that’s a good idea. Maybe we can set up a partnership with her foundation. I’m sure Griff’s already thought of it and that’s why she’s invited tonight.”

“Maybe we should go over there then to make the connection. There’s no way Griff’s going to get around to talking to all the guests here on his own.”

“He actually gave me a handful of people I’m supposed to talk to. Sorry Hotshot, Eileen wasn’t on the list, but I’m happy to be an overachiever for your sake.”

Beck grabs my hand and starts moving toward the biggest celebrity in the room.

Before we can reach them, we’re intercepted by Donnie Guzman. I remember Griff and Beck talking about Copyright 2016 - 2024