The Brat Page 0,45

and it was Osgoode who spoke. "Can you not deny it? Can you not simply suggest you were there at another time? Claim you entered the room by accident earlier in the day when she was neither there nor sleeping. That you hadn't even realized it was her room, and - "

"I am not going to lie to my wife," Balan said firmly. "A marriage begun on lies is no marriage at all."

"But you have to give some sort of explanation - "

"Nay," he said firmly. "I will not give explanations she will not believe. Nor will I lie. She has to learn to trust me. A wife should trust her husband, and Murie cannot do that until she knows me better." Turning, he started to walk again. "She will soon learn what I am like by living with me and seeing how I deal with her and others. Mayhap then, when I know she will believe me, I shall tell her about that night."

Sighing, Osgoode shook his head and fell into step beside him.

"You are in for a troubled marriage, cousin."

"I fear he is right," Reginald said with concern. "That being the case, might I suggest it is in your best interests to leave court as soon as possible." When Balan paused to peer at him, he shrugged and said, "If Murie is noticeably unhappy so soon after wedding, it shall surely draw the king's notice."

"Or she may run to him herself with the problem," Osgoode put in.

"Either way, you could incur the king's wrath," Reginald pointed out.

Balan frowned. "How would I explain leaving so soon? We are expected to stay another week."

Reginald shifted, then said, "I could go to Murie and tell her that I am worried about Emilie. That she is tired and drawn of late, and I fear for her and the babe and wish to get her home where it is less wearying and she may relax."

"All of which is true," Balan said. He cocked his head. "But how will that convince Murie to leave? Especially if she is upset thinking I tricked her into marrying me?"

"The two women are as close as sisters. While it has the unfortunate effect of making Emilie determined to remain until you and Murie leave, it will also ensure Murie puts Emilie's health and well-being above her own marital troubles. I would ask her to leave early and that our parties travel together to Reynard so that she will be there to help should a problem arise along the way."

"Which would solve both our problems," Balan said solemnly.

"I have seen you watching your wife with worried eyes."

"Aye. She is tiring much more quickly than she used to. She claims 'tis normal and she is fine, but..."

Balan placed a hand on his friend's shoulder and nodded.

"This is perfect," Osgoode said, drawing them all out of their somber mood. "Emilie will be home where she may rest, and Murie away from court and the king until this matter is resolved between you."

"Aye." Balan nodded.

"And, of course," Reginald added, "once at Reynard, your party is more than welcome to rest a day or two, or even a week before continuing on."

"I may take you up on that. I think Murie would enjoy it," Balan said. Then he frowned. "I am not so sure the king will take our leaving early well, though."

"That is a consideration," Reginald admitted. The three men were silent for a moment, each considering the matter. Then Balan sighed and said, "I shall have to broach the matter carefully."

"Aye," Reginald and Osgoode agreed.

"Come," Balan said, turning away. "We will have to think on this, and I think better with an ale in my hand."

Murie watched the men leave from the opposite end of the hall. She'd been looking for her husband and had just started around the corner to the hall near their chamber when she'd heard Osgoode hailing the two men. Pausing abruptly, she'd ducked back out of sight and listened to the entire conversation. Leaning her back against the wall now, she closed her eyes and allowed a small smile to curve her lips. Emilie had been right. It hadn't at all been what she'd thought.

So, the trickery had been Malculinus and Lauda's.... She shuddered at the thought of waking to find that man's lips on hers. She might very well have been fooled into marrying the deceitful lord.

But Balan had saved her from Malculinus's machinations. What a wonderful husband she had!

Her smile widening, Murie pushed away Copyright 2016 - 2024