Boys of Brayshaw High - Meagan Brandy Page 0,39

scowling as she does.

A laugh bubbles out of her and she shakes her head. “Yeah, I’m not riding with you.”

“Yeah, you are.”

“No way in hell, that’s all I need.”

“Get in or we throw you in.”

She flips us off and heads across the yard, so we roll beside her, stopping when she does.

At the fucking dude’s house.

She leans against the porch, pretending we’re not watching and Royce drops back against his seat.

“The fuck’s she doin’?”

Me and Cap say nothing, but watch as Bass fucking Bishop strolls out, looking like the other part to her duo, black, slick-backed hair, piercings, and shit.

He hops off the porch and they start walking, completely fucking ignoring the fact that we’re trailing her ass.

Fuck this.

I hit the brakes. “Go get her.”

With a laugh, Royce jumps and runs for her, tossing her over his shoulder as he salutes the fucker beside her.

She growls and runs that mouth of hers, but drops against the seat when he tosses her in.

We’re silent on the short drive and then I’m whipping in the school parking lot, my tires screeching to a halt in the first open spot.

She jumps out, flipping us all off, and instead of going into the building she turns and heads back the fucking way we came, where that fucker is still walking.

I slam my door shut and Captain laughs.

“You all right there, brother?”

I ignore him and together we head for the entrance.

“Think she’s fucking Bishop?”

Royce gives me a side eye and Captain raises a brow.

“Would it bother you if she was?”

When I don’t respond, they laugh and shove me forward through the door.

Fuck her and fuck him too.

If I wanted her, I could have her.

I’d bet on that.

Bass says nothing about the boys’ little show, so neither do I. Once we get to the school, the bell rings, but neither of us are in a hurry to learn.

“You sure you don’t want to back out on tonight after yesterday? It’s cool if—”

“I’m fine.”

He grins and I roll my eyes.

“Don’t be cheesy, Bass.”

He laughs and grabs the door when I don’t hold it open for him. “Hey, I was only gonna agree with you.”

“Go to class.”

“On it, Rae!” he shouts.

With a grin, I shake my head and round the corner, instantly slamming into a familiar body as I do. I stumble back, but not before he catches me in his arms.

I’m spun around until my ass hits the lockers, but he keeps a hand in the way of the metal, careful not to touch my burn against it.

“I want the truth from you.”

“Be more specific, big man.” I eye him and his hand moves to grip my hip.

“Bishop. That’s who you sneak out to see at night.”

“You’re sounding like a broken record.”

“Don’t play.”

“Fine. Maybe.” Technically, the answer is yes. Not that he’s earned it.

His nostrils flare and I raise a dark brow.

Oh, he doesn’t like that answer.

“Whatever you’re doing, it stops now.”

I cluck my tongue, shaking my head. “That’s not gonna work for me, big man. See I need Bishop.” I hold in my smirk.

His fingertips dig into my skin, and want has me holding my breath.

He knows it, his smirk now coming out to play.

“I’ll do anything he thinks he can, better.”

“Is that an offer?”

“A guarantee,” he growls.

“Well.” I push off into him. “I’ll remember that for when I get bored.”

“You better watch yourself, Raven. You’re Bray property now, and I’m done waiting for these fuckers to figure it out on their own. By the end of the day, every-fucking-body will know it well. No bitch will challenge you and no guy will touch you unless we say go, so you better trim them nails, Snow, wouldn’t want you to cut up your insides when you’re stuck finger-fucking yourself each night.”

“Fuck you.”

His smirk turns venomous. “If you’re lucky.”

He pulls back and then he’s gone.

And color me stupid, I think I’m hot for the bossy bastard.

It’s been four days since Chloe’s bullshit, and I’d swear she hates me more now than she did then.

That first day, she smirked and did a little swish with her head like victory was hers, that is until she let her eyes roll over me and saw I didn’t chop my hair like she clearly hoped I would but covered the mess she made instead.

I had to pull out the bleach myself to make it even, then used a Kool-Aid packet I snuck from the cupboard at the home to add the color over it. It’s not perfect and I’ll have to Copyright 2016 - 2024