Boys of Brayshaw High - Meagan Brandy Page 0,37

and the rest of the class I’m ultra-aware of the testosterone enveloping me from behind.

I could use a joint right about now.

I’m sitting on the grass in the quad area when a cold splash hits my back, making me gasp.

My nostrils flare, the burn taking over and causing my eyes to water.



I rush to my feet, turning to the laughing figures behind me.

Chloe and her cultists.

“Hope you didn’t think the Bray’s little step backward meant we’d back off. They haven’t announced you’re off-limits to me, which means you’re still on the edge.”

My back starts to burn from the chemical searing my skin, but I don’t show it.

“Careful, Raven. The fall is much harder the higher you are.” With that, she tosses the ice bucket at my feet and strolls off.

I wait, making no move until she’s around the corner, then yank my shirt over my head as I rush for the gym.

I ignore the whistles and stares and push forward, careful to at least keep my chest covered.

Right when I go to shove through the door, an arm latches around my elbow and I spin, letting my fist fly, but of course he catches it, his eyes narrowing.

The sting is too much at this point and moisture prickles behind my eyes, making his tighten.

“What the f—” Royce cuts off when the smell hits and he grips my hair bringing it to his nose.

He curses and pushes forward, dragging me to the girl’s shower ... that he seems to have no problem finding.

He turns on the water and tries to grab ahold of my shirt, but I press it tighter against my chest.

“Let go of the fucking shirt, Raven. I’ve seen more tits than you can count, and you’re wearing a bra.”


He rolls his eyes. “Fine, get under the cold water. Your back’s all red. It won’t take it away, but you gotta wash the shit off.” His frown curves into a grin in the next second. “Wanna take off your pants?”

I shove him back and step under the cool spray, wincing lightly when it hits my back. I let it run down my body a few minutes, before gripping my hair and looking it over.

Shit. Ugly yellow and gold spots shine back at me toward the ends where the bleach ruined my black, never before dyed hair.


“Shit, RaeRae.” Royce pulls my hair over my shoulder and runs his fingers through it. “Maybe you can cut it?”

Then she wins.

His fingertips run across my skin making me jump.

It’s not like a heat burn, more irritating, but that fire feeling is still there.

I bend my back, and my bra scrapes against it making me wince.

“Son of a bitch.”

“You need to unclip this thing, it’s rubbing on you and it’s soaked in bleach.”

I huff, knowing he’s right. “Fine, unclip it.”

I pull my hair completely to one side and he steps under the spray with me, grabbing the clasp in his hand. Right when he goes to undo it, footsteps knock against the cement flooring behind us and we both turn to look over our shoulders.

Maddoc stands there, his face completely blank, but his hands are fists at his side, eyes not on me, but his boy.

It’s a sight to see, I’m sure. Me and Royce dripping wet under water, my shirt off as he helps undo my bra.

Royce finishes undoing the clasp without looking and slowly lowers his hands.

The boys stare at each other a moment before Royce turns back to look over my skin, but my stare stays on Maddoc as he tracks Royce’s every move.

Royce backs away after a minute and steps from the shower.

I reach out and turn off the spray, taking the towel he holds out for me.

I wrap it around my front, letting my bra and shirt drop to the ground.

That catches Maddoc’s attention and his stare cuts to my discarded items.

Maddoc strides forward, his tension-filled eyes bouncing between mine before dropping to my shoulder, and for some reason I slowly spin, showing him what he’s asking to see.

He doesn’t touch me, but his eyes create a burn far deeper than the chemical that’s only marred my skin’s surface.

Captain comes around the corner in the next second, his eyes slow as they take in the scene, landing on mine last.

Maddoc doesn’t move out of the way like Royce did, so Captain leans to the side to look past him, but he doesn’t get too close.

And suddenly I feel like a helpless child again.

I’m not.

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