Boys of Brayshaw High - Meagan Brandy Page 0,16

Victoria or me, I don’t know or care, and veers left.

I look over to see the other girls from the group home gathered near the porch, beers in hand, but I don’t join. Instead, I make my way through the open garage and into the giant ass house.

Music blares from all around. Clearly, there’s some badass sound system set up in the walls – the base surrounds you.

Dozens upon dozens of teenagers are scattered around, dancing, drinking, and laughing with their friends.

I’m knocked to the side as I squeeze past a dancing couple, and the girl spins to glare as if she didn’t just bump into me, but before she can pop off, the guy pulls her back in.

I make my way around the corner to the open kitchen where a group of guys are playing a card game at the table, cigars hanging from most of their mouths.

The blond one in the center catches my eye and winks before dropping his cards on the table, apparently winning his hand if the others’ groans tell me anything. He must consider me impressed because a smirk is thrown my way next.

I offer a wink and continue past, taking it upon myself to grab a water bottle from the ice bucket on the counter.

As I spin back around, blondie steps in front of me. “And who might you be, sweetness?”

“A figment of your imagination.” I grin, attempting to side step him, but he slides with me.

“My imagination has always been damn good to me,” he teases.

“I bet.” I laugh lightly. “I’d also bet you don’t have to use it all too often.” I purposely let my eyes graze over his physique – he’s firm in all the right places. “Or do the girls not fall at the man of the house’s feet?” I throw out my guess and he smiles, telling me without words I’m right.

“Well, sweetness, you’re still standing so I must be off my game tonight.” He crosses his arms, smirking down at me. “Or maybe your ball’s in the other court.” His eyes drop to my chest, pausing for a slight second before quickly traveling over my outfit.

I pop a careless shoulder and step around him, spinning to walk backward as he turns to face me. “Maybe. Guess you’ll never know.”

“Never say never, new girl.”

A crease lines my forehead, and his chin lifts an inch.

When I say nothing, taking another step away, he takes one closer.

“You a Bray girl?”

“I’m a temporary fixture.”

“You all are.”

Now he’s pissing me off. “If you’re asking whether I go to Brayshaw, the answer is an unfortunate yes.”

He eyes me a moment. “That’s not at all what I’m asking.”

“You should work on being more direct, you know, having some balls. I’m out.” I spin and walk away and surprisingly, he lets me.

I decide to be a loner and witness the shenanigans from afar, so I take up shop against the cast iron fence lining the outer left edges of the backyard.

It’s chilly out so I’m guessing the pool must be heated, that or the people swimming in it are too buzzed to notice.

“Are you poppin’ a squat?”

I whip my head to the left, finding another girl from the group home making her way toward me with slow steps. “Am I pissing right here on the grass with all these people around?”

“Hey, whatever works,” she jokes. “There’s likely a couple fucking in the shower by now, so I can get why someone would rather piss in the grass.”

I laugh, turning my focus back to the partiers, and the girl drops down beside me.

“This place is ridiculous,” she mutters, shooting for annoyed but the envy is easily heard.

I glance around, and it’s easy to understand why she’d feel that way. Shit, the ugly ass stone statues scattered across the yard must cost more than every unit in my mom’s trailer park put together.

I turn to her. “Have you never been here?”

“Not this exact house, no, but plenty others just like it. Seeing how these assholes live and knowing where I’m sleeping at the end of the night, makes me kinda sick.”

I scoff. “What’s your story?”

“Mom left when I was two, Daddy liked his beer better than his baby.”

I nod. “So you a drunk too then?”

Her head jerks back and she gets a little loud. “Excuse me?”

“Clearly you don’t like being judged.” I raise an eyebrow. “So why are you summing up these people because they have money and you don’t? Don’t be a hypocrite.”

“You’re a real bitch, Copyright 2016 - 2024