Boys of Brayshaw High - Meagan Brandy Page 0,14

Maddoc, Captain, Royce, staying out of trouble I hope?” he asks before his eyes slide to mine. “And a new little friend.” The man steps closer, the curiosity he doesn’t hide putting me on edge. “Don’t believe I’ve seen you around yet Miss...”

He shakes his head when I only stare.

He turns to Maddoc and Maddoc’s eyes cut to mine as he steps back. Spreading his arms out wide, his fists open so his fingers are pointing straight out. He licks his lips and drops his head back a bit in a lazy, carefree motion.

Clearly, this happens all the time. It’s bullshit but it tells me they must be on probation or something– searchable at any time. Guy’s technically just doing his job.

The officer laughs at my frown as he searches Maddoc. “Soon as I learn who you are, I might need to search you just the same.”

“She’s ours to worry about, Graven. Nothing for you to learn,” Royce grits and the officer chuckles, patting Maddoc in the back to let him know he’s done.

Maddoc shakes him off and shifts to stand beside Royce, which happens to leave me on the other side of him.

“Take care boys. Be seeing ya.” He eyes me a moment then turns for his car, gets in and drives away.

Captain lets out a low whistle while Maddoc’s flashes on me.

“You almost got me caught up!”

My head pulls back.

Is he for real?

“No ... you almost got you caught up. Had you not tried to steal my shit, I wouldn’t have had to get it back.”

“Maybe you should stay out of our damn way.”

“Maybe you should stop acting like I’m in your way!”

A deep growl fights its way up his throat but he swallows it, the corded muscles of his neck throbbing as he does.

The three turn back to the courts, picking up their belongings before heading back to Captain’s truck – seems they have three identical Denali’s. They slide in, but Royce pauses, glancing my way briefly before he too climbs inside.

And then it’s just me. Like always.

But that’s how I like it.

Being by myself means I don’t have to worry about other people, don’t have to stop and think about how what I do will affect anyone else. It makes things a helluva lot easier.

Those guys are lucky I wanted my stuff back or their lovely leader would have earned himself a shiny new set of bracelets.

Now they probably think I was trying to help them out, ‘fall in line’ as they say, but that’s not why I did it.

I did it for me.

I mean, why else would I?

“What do we do about the girl?” Cap questions and I grit my teeth, moving the icepack from one knee to the next.

“Her name’s Raven,” Royce tosses over his shoulder.

“I know her fucking name. And I don’t know yet,” I answer and Captain nods, falling beside me on the old sofa.

“There’s something about her. She’s not like the others.” Royce pulls up a chair, flipping it around to sit in front of us. “She’s—”

“Fine,” Captain cuts him, making him laugh.

“Damn fine and feisty and—”

“A problem.” I look between the two. “She’s a fucking problem.”

Royce glances off while Captain licks his lips. “What kind of problem, brother?”

“The kind you need to stay away from.” I glare.

They fight it real hard, then both start laughing like dicks.

I pop up, tossing my icepack at Royce who tosses it at Captain, then head for my room, done with this fucking day.

The assholes laugh harder.

But Royce is right and I think Captain knew what he was getting at before they started fucking with me.

Other than the obvious banging body, Raven’s got that ‘fuck you and your world’ attitude - something we’re not used to. It only adds to her appeal.

She’s sexy, likes to argue, and breaks the mold we’ve set.

But it’s more than that. There’s something about her that screams at something deep inside me, only I have no idea what. She’s almost a mystery, one I need to unravel ... with my teeth.

Like I said, she’s trouble.

Problem is, I like the taste of trouble.

“Get up, let’s go.”

I lift my eyes to the girl in front of me. I forget her damn name again but don’t bother asking. “And where is it you think I’ll be going?”

“Maybell goes to bingo and has a few the first Saturday of the month, you know, after payday. She won’t check beds tonight.”

“So lemme guess ... you’re going out?”

She sneers. “We are going out. No way are Copyright 2016 - 2024