Boys of Brayshaw High - Meagan Brandy Page 0,102


“Like that now, huh?” He attempts a grin but his tone is laced with malice.

I scoff. “What, you thought different?”

“Still mad about that little incident?” He smirks like a dick.

I ignore him.

“That’s a damn shame, Raven. Damn shame.” The window rolls up slowly and they take off.

Not a minute later Royce’s loud ass is yelling behind me.

I spin around with a grin.

Running full speed at me, he swiftly dips down and lifts me up. “How’d you like that ending, RaeRae?” He drops me to my feet just as quick, planting a sweaty kiss to my cheek.

I laugh and look to Captain who has his phone to his ear, he smiles my way then goes back to his conversation.

Maddoc steps right in front of me.

“Good game.” When he doesn’t say anything, I tease, “You waiting for a reward for all your hard work, big man?”

He pushes against me now, so my head has to fall back on the hood in order to look him in the eye. His hands find my hips and slowly slide up the curve of my waist to my ribs – something he seems to love doing. Those full lips of his tip up in satisfaction when a shiver runs through me. He knew it was coming. He was waiting for it. “That all it takes to get those lips on mine, a good game on the court?”

“Hmm.” I try to grin, but my body’s so heated it only holds for a few seconds. He knows it, senses it, and his tongue runs along his bottom lip. “Only one way to find out.”

“That’s exactly what you want, isn’t it?” he whispers, his thumbs moving to skim beneath my chest. “Me to take what I want. Me to bite into that lip you keep sucking between your teeth. Me pullin’ on this hair.” He slides his fingertips into my hair at the base of my neck and my core muscles clench. He tugs too gently on purpose, and a harsh breath leaves me. “Me all over you.” He leans forward and my eyes close when he blows against the hollow of my ear. “Me in you.”

I’d swear my eyes rolled back if they weren’t already squeezed shut.

“It would be so good,” he breathes and fuck, my toes curl in my boots. But in the next second the warmth of his body slips some and my eyes peel open. “But not until you stop trying to convince yourself it ain’t you and me.”

His bottom half is still locking me in, but his torso has lifted a bit, so my lungs are able to capture more than just his scent and some of the fog clears as his words register. I swallow.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I croak out, turning my head, but pulls my eyes right back with a grip to my chin.

His eyes slice between mine. He’s almost unhinged, thoroughly horny and pissed off about it. “Yeah, you do. And you’ll pull the trigger.”

“If I don’t?”

“Someone else will.”

My eyebrows involuntarily snap to the center and a deep chuckle makes its way up his chest, causing his body to vibrate against mine.

“Imma let you sit on that.” He leans forward. “And maybe later,” – he moves my hand, sliding the back of it against his hard-on– “you’ll be sitting on this.”

My eyes must have closed again at some point because when a gust of wind hits me and they pop open, I see nothing but a dark parking lot.

I jump when the horn blares.

I glare at the dark windshield. I can’t see shit, but they see me, saw all that. Their laughter floating out the sunroof confirms it.

Maddoc is in the passenger seat, so when I reach his door as I walk around, I lift up on the sidebar and stick my upper body inside. I quickly bring my lips to his, right fucking against him, but I pause there. I lick my lips, and I’m so close my tongue touches his.

He growls and I grin, slip out, and into the back seat.

Royce gives high fives, Captain shakes his head with a grin, and Maddoc? Well, he adjusts himself where he sits, slamming his poor head against the seat.

Checkmate, big man.

I grab two beers from the fridge and move to the couch, dropping beside Maddoc. We ran home for them to change, then came over to the West Main house they use as their kickback zone – the place people are allowed. Well, their people.

“Yo, Raven!” Royce Copyright 2016 - 2024