The Boyfriend Designer - Christopher Harlan Page 0,80

is about to happen.

“Okay,” he says before falling silent.

It’s now or never.

“Conor, before you say anything, I want to apologize for my behavior last night. The way I treated you, and that howling, was uncalled for.”

He lets out a small chuckle, obviously recalling my uncharacteristic howl, but I can visibly see a weight lift off his shoulders at my apology.

“Thank you for that. I know you were only acting on the emotions of seeing me again, especially after the circumstances of our last in person encounter. I’m sorry for approaching you in that setting and putting you on the spot like that.”

I want to be my usual sarcastic self, almost referencing his never shying away from putting me on the spot before, but I keep that bitch at bay. This is not the time for my patented sarcasm.

I hadn’t even realized my hands were so close to him until I felt the electric zing of him placing his hands over mine on the table.

“Shosh, I know you were at my seminar this afternoon. I want you to know that I meant everything I said in that room. I wish I could have told you everything that had happened that day before this, but nothing that I said was untrue. Jessica showed up at my door and started howling in the hallway as my neighbors were walking to their apartment with their children. I panicked and pulled her into my apartment until the coast was clear. She refused to leave after that. When she grabbed me and kissed me, I was shocked. I didn’t know what to do other that push her away, which is what I did, but not before you saw her lips on mine. Shosh, I swear to you, I would have gone running after you had I not been afraid to leave her in my apartment alone. I was torn. After the police came and took Jessica away, I was afraid I was too late when you wouldn’t talk to me.”

I can’t say anything. My brain is taking in every word he’s saying and yelling at me at the same time, for being an idiot.

He continues, “You mean more to me than anyone has in my life before, outside of my family. I need you to know, and believe, that I would NEVER cheat on you.” He pauses and meets my eyes. “Shosh, please give me another chance.”

This is it. This is my moment. Now is when I stand up and tell him I don’t believe him. That I could never trust him again. But, instead, I find myself saying, “I believe you, and I’m sorry for breaking our rule and ghosting you.”

He lets out the breath I didn’t realize he’d been holding since he’d stopped talking. His beautiful smile breaks out over his face and lights up the room.

The triceratops in the room has dissipated and the dark cloud that has been following me since I ran from his apartment has cleared.

“Want to get out of here?” I ask.

“Sure,” he answers.

He offers me his hand as he stands from the table. I accept his outstretched hand and allow him to help me to my feet. I didn’t realize how much I’d missed his touch until I felt his hand on the small of my back as he gently leads me out of the coffee bar and onto the street.

“Can we start over?” he asks then.

“I’d like that.”

He spins on his heal before stopping to face me again. I can’t help but laugh when he holds out his hand to me. “Hi, my name is Conor Adler. It’s nice to meet you.”

Laughter coating my words, I reply, “Hi, I’m Shoshana.”

Hand still holding mine, he growls and pulls me to him. I can barely react before his lips are on mine in a single breath.

I relax into his kiss and I can’t help but feel. . . home.


I type out my question then put my phone down next to my laptop on my breakfast bar. The ring from my phone a few minutes later has me nervous to look at the screen.

SHOSHANA: Of course. I can’t wait to see it. I’ll be there soon :)

Oh my gosh. Did I really ask Shoshana to give me her honest opinion on my first foray into editing my first ever video for the blog I’ve been thinking about starting?

I’ve been learning all the ins and outs of vlogging from Shoshana for the last six months, and even acted as her assistant Copyright 2016 - 2024