The Boyfriend Designer - Christopher Harlan Page 0,32

make that mistake with a guy who has millions of followers.

Not only is that bad for me personally, but the last thing I need is for that to get out and people to think I’m trying to sleep my way around the influencer world to grow my own following or further my new career. I can’t have that. But I also can’t stop thinking about Conor. He’s like some weird drug that someone slipped me at a party. Someone put a few drops of Conor in my drink, and now I want more, even though I know it’s wrong and that I shouldn’t.

That means there’s only one thing to do. I have to ignore him. We’re leaving in the morning, so seeing him shouldn’t be a problem. He’s based out of Manhattan also, but I’m not worried about running into him. But I don’t think he’s just going to let the last two nights go—I think he’s going to contact me and try to see me outside of VidCon, so I have to stay strong.

Ignore him.

Don’t respond.

Pretend like he doesn’t exist.

You can do it, Shosh.

Yeah. We’ll see how that goes.


“It’s time to smack that inner bitch right in his McDonalds stuffing face!”

Alright, Pack, it’s time to talk fitness.

Now I’m going to speak to you openly and honestly today, and sometimes that means feelings are going to get hurt. You know it’s all tough love, but I wouldn’t be a true alpha if I didn’t speak the absolute truth to you all, so that’s what I’m going to do.


Some of us are being less than diligent when it comes to staying in shape and respecting our own bodies. Hell, I’m being too soft with you, let me say it the way it needs to be said.

There are some pussies in our pack, and not the good kind, fellas. I’m talking about a few of our clan that are still about that beta life. The posers—you know who you all are. Sure, you watch these videos, subscribe to my channel, hell- you probably even buy the merch.

But what I need more than your money is for you all to do something for me. If you’re watching this with McDonalds wrappers embarrassingly piled up next to your screen, sipping on an extra-large soda and quietly hating yourself, then I need you to do something for me. You know what that is?


That’s the tough in ‘tough love’ right there, but it needs saying. If you like the sound of what I preach, but you’re not living any of it, it’s time to do one thing and one thing only—you need to slap that inner bitch living inside of you. Slap him up and down! Slap him silly. Tell him to take a fucking hike because you’ve got some clean eating and hard exercising to do.

That’s right. I need you to throw away the wrappers, pizza boxes, empty soda cans, and any other junk food source that inner bitch feeds on. Cut him off. Throw that shit in the trash, take the trash out of your house, and forget you ever degraded your inner alpha enough to feed him fried pink slime and high fructose corn syrup in a giant cup.

And after you’ve done that, it’s time to hit the grocery store for some good food—some alpha food. And if the grocery store near you doesn’t have everything that you need, just click on the link below and check out our all new line of Alpha power bars, keto and vegan friendly, and guaranteed to boost your energy for all of your alpha tasks throughout the day.

Why does this matter? Why I am calling out some of my own? Because your Pack Leader cares about your well being—mind, body, and soul. It’s not all about smashing chicks—I mean, it’s mostly about that, a good 85-90% I’d say—but it’s not everything.

But speaking of chicks—you will never—I repeat, never, attract a 10 while you’re sitting on your mom’s couch working your way towards a BMI that makes you morbidly obese.

If you want a ten, then be a ten.

Get off your ass, stay the fuck away from the drive through, and hit that gym!

This is your pack leader, signing off.

Stay alpha.

Shoshana—A Month Later

“I am sooooo Buttercup!”

I’m still a beast when it comes to editing.

I really love it. I got so good at cutting just the right angles with just the right music when I was doing Tori’s videos and I’m even better now. It’s been Copyright 2016 - 2024