The Bourne Supremacy Page 0,25

of silly, doesn't it? Instead of saying "Come on back to headquarters" they call it B-One-L, as if anyone couldn't figure it out. '

'I can't figure it out. '

'Base-One-Langley. We're CIA, all six of us, but I guess you know that. '

'You're leaving? All of you?'

That's about it. '

'But I thought... I thought there was a crisis here. '

'Everything's clean. '

'I haven't heard from anybody. I haven't heard from McAllister. '

'Sorry, don't know him. We just have our orders. '

'You can't simply come in here and say you're leaving without some explanation! I was told I was a target! That a man in Hong Kong wanted me killed? 'Well, I don't know whether you were told that, or whether you told yourself that, but I do know we've got an A-one legitimate problem in Newport News. We have to get briefed and get on it. '

'A-one legitimate...? What about me?'

'Get a lot of rest, Professor. We were told you need it.' The man from the CIA abruptly turned, went through the door, and closed it.

Well, I don't know whether you were told that, or whether you told yourself that... How about you, professor? Do you feel better about things now, what with us here and all?

Parade?... Charade!

Where was McAllister's number? Where was it? God-damit, he had two copies, one at home and one in his desk drawer - no, his wallet! he found it, his whole body trembling in fear and in anger as he dialled.

'Mr McAllister's office,' said a female voice.

'I thought this was his private line. That's what I was told!'

'Mr McAllister is away from Washington, sir. In these cases we're instructed to pick up and log the calls. '

'Log the calls'? Where is he?'

'I don't know, sir. I'm from the secretarial pool. He phones in every other day or so. Who shall I say called?"

'That's not good enough! My name is Webb. Jason Webb... No, David Webb! I have to talk to him right away! Immediately!'

I'll connect you with the department handling his urgent calls, Webb slammed down the phone. He had the number for McAllister's home; he dialled it.

'Hello?' The voice of another woman.

'Mr McAllister, please. '

'I'm afraid he's not here. If you care to leave your name and a number, I'll give it to him. '


'Well, he should be calling tomorrow or the next day. He always does. '

'You've got to give me the number where he is now, Mrs McAllister! - I assume this is Mrs McAllister. '

'I should hope so. Eighteen years' worth. Who are you?'

'Webb. David Webb. '

'Oh, of course! Edward rarely discusses business - and he certainly didn't in your case but he did tell me what terribly nice people you and your lovely wife are. As a matter of fact, our older boy, who's in prep school, naturally, is very interested in the university where you teach. Now, in the last year or so his marks dropped just a touch, and his aptitude tests weren't the highest, but he has such a wonderful, enthusiastic outlook on life, I'm sure he'd be an asset... '

'Mrs McAllister!' broke in Webb. 'I have to reach your husband! Now!'

'Oh, I'm terribly sorry, but I don't think that's possible. He's in the Far East and, of course, I don't have a number where 1 can reach him there. In emergencies we always call the State Department. '

David hung up the phone. He had to alert -phone - Marie. The line had to be free by now; it had been busy for nearly an hour, and there was no one his wife could talk with on the telephone for an hour, not even her father, her mother or her two brothers in Canada. There was great affection between them all, but she was the maverick. She was not the Francophile her lather was, not a homebody like her mother, and although she adored her brothers, not the rustic, plainspoken folk they were. She had found another life in the stratified layers of higher economics, with a doctorate and gainful employment with the Canadian Government. And, at last, she had married an American.

QueI dommage.

The line was still busy! Goddamnit, Marie!

Then Webb froze, his whole body for an instant a block of searing hot ice. He could barely move, but he did move, and then he raced out of his small office and down the corridor with such speed that he pummelled three students and a colleague out of his path, sending two into walls the others buckling Copyright 2016 - 2024