The Bourne Supremacy Page 0,109

section at a time, Bourne following the guide, his eyes constantly roving over their flanks and up ahead, finding shadows in the darkness - and yet not total darkness. Fast, low-flying clouds obscured the moon, filtering the light, but every now and then shafts streamed down for brief moments illuminating the landscape. They reached a rising stretch of tall trees and began making their way up. The Chinese stopped and turned, both hands raised.

'What is it? whispered Jason.

'We must go slowly, make no noise.'


The guide shrugged. 'I do not know. There is no harmony.'

They crawled up through the tangled forest, stopping at every screech of a disturbed bird and the subsequent flutter of wings, letting the moments pass. The hum of the woods was pervasive; the crickets clicked their incessant symphony, a lone owl hooted to be answered by another, and small ferret-like creatures scampered through the underbrush. Bourne and his guide came to the end of the tall trees; there was a second sloping field of high grass in front of them and in the distance were the jagged dark outlines of another climbing forest.

There was also something else. A glow at the top of the next hill, at the summit of the woods. It was a campfire, the campfire! Bourne had to hold himself in check, stop himself from getting up and racing across the field and plunging into the woods, scrambling up to the fire. Patience was everything now, and he was in the dark environs he knew so well; vague memories told him to trust himself - told him that he was the best there was. Patience. He would get across the field and silently make his way to the top of the forest; he would find a spot in the woods with a clear view of the fire, of the meeting ground. He would wait and watch; he would know when to make his move. He had done it so often before - the specifics eluded him, but not the pattern. A man would leave, and like a cat stalking silently through the forest he would follow that man until the moment came. Again, he would know that moment, and the man would be his.

Marie. I won't fail us this time. I can move with a kind of terrible purity now - that sounds crazy, I know, but then it's true... I can hate with purity - that's where I came from, I think. Three bleeding bodies floating into a riverbank taught me to hate. A bloody handprint on a door in Maine taught me to reinforce that hate and never to let it happen again. I don't often disagree with you, my love, but you were wrong in Geneva, wrong in Paris. I am a killer.

'What is wrong with you? whispered the guide, his head close to Jason's. 'You do not follow my signal!'

'I'm sorry. I was thinking.'

'So am I, thank you For our lives!'

'You don't have to worry; you can leave now. I see the fire up there on the hill.' Bourne pulled money from his pocket. 'I'd rather go alone. One man has less chance of being spotted than two.'

'Suppose there are other men - patrols? You bested me in Macao, but I am not unworthy in this regard.'

'If there are such men, I intend to find one.'

'In the name of Jesus, why?'

'I want a gun. I couldn't risk bringing one across the border.' "Aiya!"

Jason handed the guide the money. 'It's all there. Nine thousand five hundred. You want to go back in the woods and count it? I've got a small flashlight.'

'One does not question the man who has bested one. Dignity would not permit such impropriety.'

'Your words are terrific, but don't buy a diamond in Amsterdam. Go on, get out of here. It's my territory.'

'And this is my gun,' said the guide, taking a weapon from his belt and handing it to Bourne as he took the money. 'Use it if you must. The magazine is full - nine shells. There is no registry, no trace. The Frenchman taught me.'

'You took this across the border?

'You brought the watch. I did not. I might have dropped it into a garbage bag but then I saw the guard's face. I will not need it now.'

Thanks. But I should tell you, if you've lied to me, I'll find you. Count on it.

Then the lies would not be mine and the money would be returned.' 'You're too much.' 'You bested me. I must be Copyright 2016 - 2024