The Bourne Sanction - By Robert Ludlum Page 0,163

specialized in killing killers, who had slipped in and out of a Russian high-security prison without anyone being the wiser, who had managed to eliminate Pyotr and his entire network.

There was a knock on the door. He kept away from the spy hole, kept away from the door itself, unlatching it from the side. There was no gunshot, no splintering of the wood and metal. Instead the door opened inward and a dapper man with dark skin and a spade-shaped beard stepped into the apartment.

Bourne said, "Turn around slowly."

The man, hands where Bourne could see them, turned to face him. It was Semion Icoupov.

"Bourne," he said.

Bourne produced his passport, opened it to the inside cover.

Icoupov nodded. "I see. Is this where you kill me at the behest of Dominic Specter?"

"You mean Asher Sever."

"Oh, dear," Icoupov said, "there goes my surprise." He smiled. "I confess I'm shocked. Nevertheless, I congratulate you, Mr. Bourne. You've come by knowledge no one else has. By what means is a complete mystery."

"Let's keep it that way," Bourne said.

"No matter. What's important is that I don't have to waste time trying to convince you that Sever has played you. Since you've already uncovered his lies, we can move on to the next stage."

"What makes you think I'm going to listen to anything you have to say?"

"If you've discovered Sever's lies, then you know the recent history of the Black Legion, you know we were once like brothers, you know how deep the enmity between us runs. We are enemies, Sever and I. There can be only one outcome to our war, you understand me?"

Bourne said nothing.

"I want to help you stop his people from attacking your country, is that clear enough?" He shrugged. "Yes, of course you're right to be skeptical, I would be if I was in your place." He moved his left hand very slowly to the edge of his overcoat, pulled it back to reveal the lining. There was something sticking out of the slit pocket. "Perhaps before anything untoward happens, you should take a look at what I have here."

Bourne leaned in, took the SIG Sauer Icoupov had holstered at his belt. Then he pulled the packet free.

As he was opening it up, Icoupov said, "I went to a great deal of trouble to steal those from my nemesis."

Bourne found himself looking over the architectural plans for the Empire State Building. When he glanced up, he found Icoupov watching him intently. "This is what the Black Legion means to attack. Do you know when?"

"Indeed, I do." Icoupov glanced at his watch. "Precisely thirty-three hours, twenty-six minutes from now."
Chapter Thirty-Eight
VERONICA HART was looking at The Drudge Report when Stu Gold escorted General Kendall into her office. She was sitting in front of her desk, the monitor turned toward the door so Kendall could get a clear view of the photos of him and the woman from The Glass Slipper.

"That's just one site," she said, waving them to three chairs that had been arranged opposite her. "There are so many others." When her guests were seated, she addressed Kendall. "Whatever is your family going to say, General? Your minister, and the congregation?" Her expression remained neutral; she was careful to keep the gloat out of her voice. "I understand that a goodly number of them aren't fond of African Americans, even as maids and nannies. They prefer the Eastern Europeans-young blond Polish and Russian women. Isn't that right?"

Kendall said nothing, sat with his back ramrod-straight, his hands clasped primly between his knees, as if he were at a court-martial.

Hart wished Soraya were here, but she hadn't returned from the NSA safe house, which was worrying enough; she wasn't answering her cell, either.

"I've suggested that the best thing he can do now is to help us tie LaValle in to the plot to steal CI secrets," Gold said.

Now Hart smiled rather sweetly at Kendall. "And what do you think of that suggestion, General?"

"Recruiting Rodney Feir was entirely my idea," Kendall said woodenly.

Hart sat forward. "You want us to believe you'd embark on such a risky course without informing your superior?"

"After the fiasco with Batt, I had to do something to prove my worth. I felt I had the best chance romancing Feir."

"This is getting us nowhere," Hart said.

Gold stood up. "I agree. The general has made up his mind to fall on his sword for the man who sold him down the river." He moved to the door. "I'm not sure how that computes, but Copyright 2016 - 2024