Bounty (Kaliya Sahni #1) - K.N. Banet Page 0,88

it. Most can’t heal from a severe brain injury.”

“However, firearms are generally ineffective with supernaturals,” Cassius cut in. “The speed at which many of us can move, our defensive abilities, and more can render the weapon ineffective. They’ll also try to get close because it nullifies the problem of ranged attackers. Werewolves and werecats can’t carry anything while in their cursed forms, so if you see one of those, figure they will rush you or run. Most animalistic supernaturals want to be on top of you.”

“Anything with hands will start with guns or magic, though. If you’re the better shot, they’ll close the distance,” I said, building on what Cassius was talking about.

“Why…why is everyone so violent in this world?”

“Because we live a very long time and are very invested in living our lives for as long as possible. It’s easy to make enemies when you have an eternity to do it,” I answered. “You piss off someone a hundred years ago, and they’ll still be coming after you a century later or making your life difficult by rivaling you in business or politics. Most likely, you insulted them or took something from them they had decided was theirs. Or maybe you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Maybe you were too nosy at a party and suddenly know something you shouldn’t. If we were all human, conflicts like these would resolve in a few years, and everyone would move on. We’re talking about people who make their plans for decades, if not centuries, depending on how long they’ve been alive. We make enemies at about the same rate as humans.”

“So, in the end, everyone hates everyone,” Raphael said, breathing out. “And this is what I get to look forward to for…forever.”

“No. You age, so only…ninety years, tops unless medical science figures out a way to make humans immortal, then you say your prayers because we’re all in trouble.”

“The very concept of humanity as it stands becoming immortal…” Cassius visibly shivered. “Let’s not consider that.”

Raphael found a place to sit, staring at both of us.

“You’re both immortal,” he pointed out, not shocked. “How does that work?”

“It’s different for every species. Remember, immortal doesn’t mean invulnerable. I’m actually very fragile. My bones break nearly as easily as a human’s,” I said, thinking about his incredible strength. If he ever lost control, he would break me in half. “Cassius is a little more durable.”

“No, I mean like…” Raphael waved at the two of them. “The aging and stuff. How does it work?”

“Oh.” Cassius stepped closer and summoned a chair. Sitting down across from Raphael, he launched into an explanation.

I hated this. We were supposed to be getting ready for tonight, not playing teacher. We could play teacher and student after getting Carter back and killing Sinclair.

“Well, fae children aren’t raised in the human world. We’re raised in our worlds, of which there are a few, and time moves differently there. It could take a young fae a normal eighteen human years to reach adulthood, or it could take a hundred human years. When we come into our full powers, we essentially stop but not completely. We’re immortal from a human perspective. In several thousand years, I’ll look older than I am now.”

“How old are you?”

“I’m not telling you that.”

Kaliya wasn’t surprised. She didn’t really understand how old Cassius was and she used to sleep with him.

“Ah. Kaliya is a hundred and seventeen. Is that considered old or young?”

“Young for her kind, old for others.”

“Okay, what?” Raphael frowned. “If most everyone is immortal, then…”

“Average life spans,” I said. “Werewolves have a hard time living through their first twenty-five to fifty years after being Changed. Werecats normally live several centuries. Vampires fluctuate wildly, but as long as they control their urges, which becomes easier every generation, the longer they tend to live. They all have a breaking point, though. Some just haven’t met it. Fae are impossible to judge because they can disappear into their own realms and live for a year and miss fifty here. Many supernatural species are like me. We grow up here in this world, and we hit maturity. That depends on the species, but it’s generally by twenty-five. Then we…stagnate. We exist in our prime. Aging after that is minute. Some nagas look older than me, a couple look younger. Depends on how well you take care of your body.”

“Meaning, while immortal, stress can cause the body to age a little, like Kaliya’s hair. There’s Copyright 2016 - 2024