Bounty (Kaliya Sahni #1) - K.N. Banet Page 0,103

didn’t judge Cassius for that relation. This one, however… “The same can’t be said of all of us.”

“Oisin,” I greeted coolly.

“Where is our nephew, and why hasn’t he come in to put you on your leash yet?” he asked.

“I left him standing outside the door. Maybe he knows I don’t like leashes.” I smiled wickedly. “Actually, I know he does. I made sure to tell him that when we were fuck—”

“Again, you come into these Chambers and disrespect—” Oisin was officially pissed, in record time, too.

“Silence,” someone ordered quietly. There was enough quiet power behind the words, I stopped talking. Oisin turned slowly toward the right end of the table, his left. I followed his gaze and found Hasan sitting at the end. “I’m gone for only a century, and the Tribunal is getting into petty arguments with an Executioner. What in the world has happened?” He sighed heavily. “I grew tired of this years ago, so let’s please stay on topic. We were hearing from Lord Ardghal about Mygi’s interpretation of events and what he believes should be done about one Mister Raphael Dominic Alvarez. As far as I can tell, he thinks we need to hand the unknown supernatural over to him, and he has good reasons, as he has the science available to continue trying to discover what Mister Alvarez is.” Hasan stared down at me, looking annoyed and bored. “I take it you have different opinions. This is your chance to share them.”

“Raphael escaped from Mygi five years ago for a reason. He was experimented on against his will. I’ve seen the scars on his body from those experiments and the numerous times he escaped from attacks Mygi committed on him in private in the name of recapturing him.” I spoke directly to Hasan. He seemed bored, but I had a feeling he was anything but. His keen eyes didn’t match his lazy body language. “Over the last few days, I’ve noticed several…anomalies that don’t match up with how a respectable organization should behave, concerning any new supernatural of any species. Raphael had no education. He knew of species already out to the public, but he was never told that supernaturals were holding him. He was purposefully left ignorant.”

“Ardghal, can you explain this?” Callahan demanded. I knew the werewolves would have issue with it, possibly the vampires and Hasan as well. All of them were species who required education of Changed or turned humans. It was vital.

“No,” he snapped in answer.

“Continue, Executioner,” Hasan said, waving a hand.

“Also, it was relayed to me by Investigator Cassius that Mygi told you the story that Raphael was dangerous and uncontrollable. That he would expose us through his actions as a whole to the humans. I can tell you if he’s made it five years without humans figuring out what’s going on, they won’t. He’s done well to hide from both supernaturals and humans after him. The unfortunate incident when he…became what he is now is just that. An unfortunate incident. There have been no signs of it coming to pass again—”

“You’ve only known him for a few short days,” the fae beside me cut in.

“Does that matter? In a few short days, his entire world has opened up as I and later, Cassius, have educated him as best we can—”

“He’s a danger to everyone here. You don’t have the facilities or the expertise to control him if he goes into another rage and kills several people. You know it. I know it. The Tribunal should know it. Don’t pretend that because he hasn’t done it yet means he’ll never do it—”

“We can say the same for every single supernatural in this fucking room, asswipe,” I hissed back. “A werecat rolled over an entire werewolf pack in Dallas only a few weeks ago. We sent her home with a slap on the wrist, if that. Vampires lose control and need to be put down when they get blood high. Werewolves fall to the Last Change.” I glanced at Hasan. “So do werecats, I believe?” He nodded. When I turned back to Ardghal, I made my point. “Would you lock up every supernatural just for the possibility of it? Because every supernatural has a line that needs to be drawn, or we’re animals that need to be put down.”

“It’s safer for him to come back to Mygi.”

“So you can chop his hand off and see if it’ll heal back on without any help again?” I asked. “Because I’ve seen that scar.”

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