Bound by Forever - (True Immortality #3) Page 0,52

falling to his side to vomit up blood.

“Kiyo!” she cried in fright. Perhaps being immortal didn’t mean he couldn’t be killed like her. Maybe it was just a spell of long life, not invincibility. “The dagger.” Her hands shook as she brought it to her wrist. “My blood can heal you.”

He turned with a fierce abruptness that surprised her, wrapping his hand around her wrist that held the dagger. His lips and chin were smeared with blood. “Don’t,” he choked out. “I’m healing, I’m healing. Don’t.”

Reassured he would be okay, Niamh discarded the dagger and the gloves, using her magic to send them away from her.

“He’s all right?” The deep voice brought her head from studying Kiyo whose color was returning by the second.

Niamh stared at the huge werewolf that towered over them and almost blushed. He was naked. Her eyes moved behind him to where his clothes were tattered across the room. Her gaze snagged on a limp female hand.

“Dinnae look.” Conall caught her chin and pulled her head up gently to meet his eyes. “I’m afraid the pain she inflicted caused me to lose control over the wolf for a few moments.” Remorse flickered across his face.

Niamh gave him a sympathetic look. “It’s okay. You did what you had to do to protect us.”

He nodded grimly, and Niamh became all too aware again of his nakedness.

Lucky, lucky Thea.

However, sensing Thea wouldn’t be happy at the thought of her mate flaunting his rather impressively beautiful body in front of another female, Niamh flourished a hand in his direction and clothed him.

He jerked in surprise to find himself fully outfitted in a T-shirt, jeans, and boots that fit perfectly. He threw Niamh a bemused look.

“Sorry. Should have warned you,” Niamh said wryly.

Conall let out a weary, bitter laugh.

Niamh didn’t know him well, but she could tell he was extremely upset about Meghan.

“I’m sorry,” she said and then looked at Kiyo as he pulled himself up to sit. Guilt irritated her. When she’d left, Kiyo had obviously contacted Bran or Fionn who had put him in touch with Conall. With the alpha’s tracking gift, it was no wonder Kiyo had found her so quickly. “I’m sorry for putting you both in this position.”

“It’s my job,” Kiyo reminded her.

She glanced down at the slice in his shirt.

He’d thrown himself in front of her to save her life.

Niamh didn’t know what to do with that.

She just knew she needed to start trusting him.

Even if she was just a job.

Conall helped Kiyo to his feet and then held out a hand to her. She took it, letting the alpha pull her up. “Because of you, Thea trusted me. And Rose trusted Fionn. We owe you for that.”

“You didn’t owe me.” She shook her head. “But if you did, the debt is paid. I’m sorry, Conall.”

“Dinnae be sorry. My debt to you will never be repaid.”

Niamh felt a pang of envy. She wondered what it was like to be loved as Conall loved Thea.

“And better the witch than you or I.” His piercing gray eyes turned cold with determination, and Niamh realized he’d compartmentalized what happened. This was an alpha who allowed himself only a moment to grieve before moving on.

And he was right.

He’d done what he had to, to protect them.

Niamh held out a hand to him to shake. As soon as he settled his large hand in hers, energy shot from him and into her. Images slammed into her mind, forcing her head back in a jolt of sharp pain.

“Niamh!” She heard Kiyo yell but the images took over.

Warmth flooded through the pain as emotions, beautiful emotions of adoration and protection and laughter, filled her. Years of happiness and family and safety and inclusion. Thousands of days of love that if bottled could change the world for the better.

Quite abruptly, they stopped. Her eyes flew open and she found Conall holding tight to her hand while Kiyo’s front was pressed against her back as he held on to her.

“Are you okay?” he asked gruffly, his breath hot on her ear.

She shivered at the feel and scent of him surrounding her but nodded, her eyes locked on Conall’s.

“Congratulations,” she offered.

Conall frowned.

She squeezed his hand. “Thea’s pregnant.”

His expression hardened. “You saw?”

Niamh gave him a soft smile. “I saw. I saw much.” Tears of happiness for Thea filled her eyes. “You have a beautiful future to look forward to, Alpha MacLennan. Such a beautiful future as I’ve never seen before.”

Kiyo’s hold on her eased as Conall’s Copyright 2016 - 2024