Bound by Forever - (True Immortality #3) Page 0,15

muscle of her heart.

He yanked it out and she sagged lifelessly to the ground.

A roar of fury filled his ears as the remaining wolf and the two vampires sped toward him. Claws out again, Kiyo ran at them, leapt into the air in a spin to give his body enough momentum and force so that when he brought his arm around, his clawed hand out, he cut through the wolf’s neck like his hand was a blade. His teeth rattled with the impact, but the wolf’s head rolled from his body with satisfying results.

The sight caused the two vampires to stare in disbelief.

He doubted they’d seen many werewolves decapitate someone with their bare hand.

Realization that Kiyo wasn’t at all what he seemed flooded their expressions, and the male and female vampire shared a concerned look.

Self-preservation was a typical characteristic of a vampire and they shot off into the woods. Kiyo couldn’t let them get away and back to The Garm.

The less The Garm knew about Niamh, the better.

He raced after them, catching up to the male first. He tackled the vamp to the ground but felt hands wrap around his neck and throw him backward.

Kiyo hit the ground hard but the snow cushioned the impact. He glared up at the female vamp who had surprised him by coming back for her companion. That was something he could respect.

He lunged, canines out, misleading her as he had her werewolf counterpart. She was a blur of movement, lashing out to grab him around the throat and hold off his teeth from her neck.

But Kiyo wasn’t aiming for her neck.

He punched through her chest, up under her rib cage, gripped her heart, and squeezed it until it popped.

She burst into a thick cloud of dust, speckling his face and body.

He grunted in annoyance, stepping back from the ash cloud as a blur moved behind him.

Pain screamed at his scalp as the male vamp gripped hold of Kiyo’s top knot and yanked, pulling Kiyo down toward the ground onto his back. At the last moment, Kiyo thrust his lower body upward and he flipped backward, the movement relaxing the vamp’s hold on him.

He landed with a deadly silence behind the confused vampire and was about to treat him to the same end as his female companion when the vamp suddenly turned, incisors out, and clamped his strong jaw down over Kiyo’s neck.

His long teeth sliced through Kiyo’s throat and the toxins in the vamp’s saliva tickled at his senses, trying to confuse him into believing he was receiving pleasure, not pain.

Goddamn dirty trick, that.

Kiyo gripped the vampire’s head, trying to part him from his throat, but he had the strength of a boa constrictor now that he’d sunk his teeth into him. His arms were a vise around Kiyo’s upper body, and Kiyo knew the vamp had every intention of draining him dry.

It wouldn’t kill him, of course, but it would weaken him.

And mightily piss him off.

Kiyo dug his claws into the vampire’s sides but other than a grunt of pain, it didn’t shift the bloodsucker. As calm as ever, despite his growing anger, Kiyo searched for the most expedient way to kill him.

That’s when he caught sight of the perfectly angled, sharp-ended branch sticking out of the skinny white birch tree in the distance.

Pushing his hand between the tight compression of their two bodies, Kiyo dug his claws into the vamp’s chest around his heart. It was enough to make the vamp loosen his hold.

With a roar of power, Kiyo broke the vampire’s cage, feeling part of his throat come away with the pressure of his removal. Warm blood spurted down his neck as he watched the vampire soar through the air and hit the tree with accuracy.

The vamp stared down at the branch sticking through his chest with a look of abject disbelief.

And then he exploded into a burst of ash dust.

Hot pain throbbed at Kiyo’s throat and he muffled his curse as he dropped to a knee.

Despite the icy wetness surrounding him, sweat soaked his naked skin. Blood ran in rivulets down his chest as his wound slowly knitted together. The blood loss made him slightly woozy, but the thought of Niamh, vulnerable in the clearing, had him pushing to his feet.

When he stumbled out of the woods, he found Niamh staring in confusion at the dead werewolves surrounding her.

Her eyes flew to his, widening at either his nakedness, his injury, or both.

“Vision over?” he croaked out, clamping a hand over Copyright 2016 - 2024