Bound by Forever - (True Immortality #3) Page 0,136

to run in during the full moon. There were too many tourists in nearby resorts for it to be safe for him to venture any farther. It wasn’t ideal, but it wasn’t anything he couldn’t bear.

“This isn’t the life you’re used to. You’re not used to hiding from anybody and … I don’t want you to come to resent me.”

Her worries baffled him. Hauling her across his body so she straddled him, he plucked at the ties on her bikini top as he growled, “I can’t listen when you talk nonsense at me.”

Grabbing her bikini to stop it from falling away from her breasts, Niamh’s expression turned mulish. “I’m not talking nonsense.”

Kiyo pulled at the ties at her hips holding the bikini bottoms on.

“Oh, for goodness’ sake,” she huffed, but he could feel her mood changing to meet his. “We’re in the middle of a conversation.”

“Well, I feel bad after my shitty dream and I need my mate to make me feel better.”

Her eyes narrowed but she dropped her hands, letting the bikini fall away. Her nipples pebbled even in the thick, warm air of the bedroom. “You’re a manipulative bastard, Kiyo-chan.”

He launched upward to drag a delicious nipple into his mouth and sucked it hard until she rocked into him. Releasing her, he kissed his way up to her mouth and whispered against her lips, “I will never resent you. All that matters is keeping you safe. If you want to leave, we’ll leave. But I want a few orgasms out of you first.”

Kiyo pulled away the sheet that acted as a barrier between them and then flipped her onto her back. He crawled down her body, spread her thighs, and nuzzled into her sex to make good on his promise.

Later, after she’d returned the favor and made his eyes roll back into his fucking head, they laid sprawled across the bed, staring at the mosquito netting they never needed to use because mosquitos apparently hated supes.

“What do you want to do today?” Kiyo asked lazily.

Niamh pushed off him and gave a sexy, sweet smile. “I’m going to go for another swim and then maybe we can eat at that place I like on the beach.”

He nodded, feeling replete from their fooling around but unsettled by the uncertainty he still sensed in her. Leaning up on an elbow, he watched her strut outside, her bikini magically back in place, and he wished he knew what the next right move was.

Just as she walked toward the steps that led down to the overhanging pool, she faltered, swaying.

“Kiyo,” she moaned in distress. And then her head slammed back on her neck with the force of an incoming vision.

“NIAMH!” Kiyo was a blur across the room to the deck, catching her in his arms seconds before she would have fallen over the security railing around the balcony. It was a hundred-foot drop.

Pulse pounding, he restrained her hard judders as he hauled her backward, fearing if he connected to the vision, they’d both go over.

This time, however, he saw no flooding of images; he felt no overwhelming swarm of emotions from Niamh that usually triggered his connection to what she was seeing.

Instead he fell on his ass on the floor, cradling her tight to his body as the vision seized hold of her. When she grew still, Kiyo’s pulse slowed.

Niamh’s eyes fluttered slowly open, and her eyes focused. Kiyo brushed her hair off her face, patiently waiting for her to return to herself.

“You caught me,” she breathed out in relief. “Would have survived but I didn’t fancy a broken neck this morning.”

His tone was bland, belying the terror he’d felt at the thought of her going over the edge of the tree. “Turns out this place isn’t so safe.”

She saw right through him. “Did I give you a fright?”

He glowered at her.

“I gave you a fright,” she answered her own question before pressing a reassuring kiss to his throat. “Sorry.”

“Not your fault. I got to you in time. Vision?” he asked somewhat reluctantly. The vision had brought home the reality that Niamh’s destiny waited outside the borders of the rainforest and one day, they would have to face Astra again.

It came at Kiyo suddenly that for once, he didn’t want to face something head-on. He wanted some peace and quiet with his mate, and he wanted it to last more than a few goddamn weeks. He wanted to cling to the idea of Phuket. To a hidden nirvana where there was nothing but Copyright 2016 - 2024